Which Walmart Tool Should I Use for Item Management?

Updated 10 hours ago ​by Merch Transformation Change Management

As of September 18, 2024, item and inventory workflows are accessed exclusively through Supplier One for U.S. Goods For Resale (GFR) suppliers. We're adding new features only in Supplier One and encourage you to familiarize yourself with the platform.

Category advisors and suppliers who also sell in Canada should continue using Item 360.
If you use a data pool provider to publish synced item info with GDSN (which is recommended but not required), make sure the data is pushed to Walmart before starting your item setup or maintenance in Supplier One.

For Fashion Item Management, please refer to the chart here.

This comparison chart shows when you should use existing processes, Item 360, or Supplier One for specific setup and maintenance requests and inquiries. We recommend you start using Supplier One regularly from now on as all future features will only be released in the new platform. As of September 18, 2024, item and inventory workflows are accessed exclusively through Supplier One for U.S. Goods For Resale (GFR) suppliers.

To download a PDF of the chart, click here.

For Direct Import items set up through Supplier Quote, learn more in this article.

What does Coming Soon mean?

This functionality will still be available via existing tools / processes for the next few months; however, it will be removed and only available in Supplier One in the near future. Functionality that is not listed as Coming Soon is currently not planned to be added to Supplier One.

Check out Supplier One now!

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