
Updated 1 month ago ​by Merch Transformation Change Management

The Reports page in Supplier One consolidates important reports in one place so you can download and view them easily. To download reports, make sure to apply filters first to get the data you want.

  1. In the left navigation menu, click Reports.
  2. Click Learn More for information about premium reports with Walmart Luminate that provide additional sales, cost, and forecasting information (plus more).
  3. Reports are organized by area, such as:
    1. Cost & pricing: Vendor managed pricing
    2. Payments: Paid invoice details, Unpaid invoice details, 90 days paid detail, Store sales (free Walmart Luminate report), E-commerce sales (free Walmart Luminate report)
    3. Inventory, Orders and Fulfillment: E-commerce In-stock, Purchase Orders (Walmart Luminate Charter membership required), OTIF (Walmart Luminate Charter membership required)
  4. For downloadable reports, click Download and continue to Step 5.
    For free Walmart Luminate Reports, click View Report.
    To view premium Walmart Luminate Reports, you must have Charter membership. If View Report is disabled, click Unlock with Charter membership to learn more about Walmart Luminate options.
  5. Apply filters from the available options (refer to the table below) and click Download.
    If you select today's date and get a blank download, try selecting a previous date before downloading again.

Filters for Downloadable Reports




Cost & pricing

Vendor managed pricing

  • Supplier ID
  • Store numbers
  • Enter item numbers


Paid invoice details

  • Report date (mm/dd/yyyy)
  • Supplier ID


Unpaid invoice details

  • Report date (mm/dd/yyyy)
  • Supplier ID


90 days paid detail

  • Supplier ID

Inventory, Orders and Fulfillment

E-commerce In-stock

  • Supplier ID

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