Formatting for Key Features

Updated 3 months ago ​by Merch Transformation Change Management

Here's how to format your Key Features text in the item setup spreadsheets, item maintenance spreadsheets, or directly in Supplier One. Use these tips to ensure the text will appear as you intended on and in the mobile app.

Headers and numbered lists are no longer supported in Key Features. The bullet-only format ensures that customers have a consistent experience as they find and buy items on The minimum number of required bullets will vary based on the Product Type of your item. Check the attribute definition for the required and recommended number of entries.

Item Setup / Maintenance Spreadsheets

  • Enter one Key Feature per Key Features column without HTML formatting.
    • If your exported file has all of the Key Features in one cell with HTML formatting, you will need to separate each bullet of text into its own Key Features cell.
  • To bold or italicize the text, use single item setup / maintenance in Supplier One.
How to add more Key Features columns in your spreadsheet
  • Select the entire column for the existing attribute (e.g., Key Features 2), then right click and select Copy.
    • If the existing attribute has two columns (e.g., Fabric Content), make sure to select both columns.
  • Select the entire column to the right of the one you copied, then right click and select Insert Copied Cells.
  • Update the number in the attribute name to indicate the order that you want the attribute value to appear, e.g., Key Features 3, Key Features 4, Key Features 5.

If you see a message that the copied cells cannot be inserted, follow these steps:

  • Insert a blank column after the existing attribute column​ (e.g., Key Features 2).
  • Copy the cells from rows 3-down in the existing attribute column​.
  • Paste the cells into the same rows (3-down) in the blank column you added.
  • Update the number in the attribute name to indicate the order that you want the attribute value to appear, e.g., Key Features 3, Key Features 4, Key Features 5.

Single Item Setup / Maintenance in Supplier One

When you set up a single item or edit product content and site experience attributes in Supplier One, enter all of the Key Features text in this field. Use the toolbar in the gray area at the top to customize the text style.

Text style

Key Features HTML editor in Supplier One


Highlight the text that you want to be bold, and select B in the toolbar


Highlight the text that you want to be italicized, and select I in the toolbar

Bullet Points

Select the Bulleted List in the toolbar, and type in your bullet text. Press "Return" or "Enter" on your keyboard to create each new line.

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