Deductions Summary

Updated 2 weeks ago ​by Merch Transformation Change Management

When an invoice is being processed for payment, claims may be filed as differences are identified during the matching processes. These are considered Accounts Payable Claims, and the claim details may now be accessed directly in Supplier One.

A claim is an adjustment that reduces the amount a supplier is paid based on a difference between the Purchase Order, the receiving, and the invoice (e.g., item price differences, shortages, allowance not on invoice, etc.)

Several data fields can be used as indicators to help you identify the reason for a claim, deduction, or chargeback. These are the claim (deduction) code, the invoice number, and the store number. You can find all of these in the check details in the deduction breakdown.

Here's how to view a high-level summary of your deductions and how they are grouped and defined.

  1. In the left navigation menu, click Payments and select Deductions.
  2. If your account is associated to multiple Supplier IDs, select the Supplier ID that you want to view deductions for. If you only have one Supplier ID, it will be selected by default.
  3. Select the Date Range that you want to view deductions for.
  4. Click More filters to narrow down the data to your preferences.
    Open the drop-down menus to filter by Supplier ID, Master group, Deduction category, Deduction code, Division, Department number, and/or Department sequence. Then, click Apply.
  5. The All deductions chart shows all deductions by week for the date range you selected compared to the previous period. Hover over the chart to view more details.
  6. The Deductions by master group and category chart shows an overview of deductions by various categories (see the tables below).
    1. Click the arrows to drill down further into the categories.
    2. Click the Deductions current period, Deductions previous period, or Compared to previous period headers to sort the data from high to low or low to high.
  7. Click View deduction breakdown at the top left corner of the page to view more details by PO Number, Invoice Number, or Check Number.

Deductions by Category

Negotiated Funding

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Allowance Difference

A line level claim generated when the comparison between the invoice and the Purchase Order identifies multiple errors in allowances, issues with incorrect pack, quantities, and /or pricing issues. Agreed upon pricing allowances are not eligible for payback. However, if an error has occurred, these amounts can be disputed with the appropriate documentation.

  • Line-level allowances: Provide documentation of the eligible allowance detailing the agreed upon amounts vs. the invoice amounts.
  • Vendor Pack Quantity: Provide documentation showing an error between the PO pack quantity and the invoice pack quantity. If you notice that the incorrect pack quantity was included on your invoice, please note this in your dispute.


Backhaul, Pickup Allowance

Generated to cover backhaul and pickup allowance.


Freight Allowance

Generated when the invoice does not reflect the freight allowance specified on the Supplier Agreement or on the Purchase Order. Agreed upon allowances are not eligible for payback. Payback may only be considered if a buyer approves and submits a buyer payback request with the proper documentation.

  • Written documentation (e.g., emails, etc.) with your buyer showing changes/custom pricing, and/or allowance agreements for the specific timeframe.


Advertising Allowance

Generated to cover the advertising allowance.


Promotional Allowance

Generated when the invoice does not reflect the promotional allowance specified on the Supplier Agreement or on the Purchase Order. Agreed upon allowances are not eligible for payback. Payback may only be considered if a buyer approves and submits a buyer payback request with the proper documentation.

  • Written documentation (e.g., emails, etc.) with your buyer showing changes/custom pricing, and/or allowance agreements for the specific timeframe.


Volume Allowance

Generated when the invoice does not reflect the volume allowance specified on the Supplier Agreement or on the Purchase Order. Agreed upon allowances are not eligible for payback. Payback may only be considered if a buyer approves and submits a buyer payback request with the proper documentation.

  • Written documentation (e.g., emails, etc.) with your buyer showing changes/custom pricing, and/or allowance agreements for the specific timeframe.


Truckload Allowance

Generated for the truck load allowance.


Early Buy Allowance

Generated for the early buy allowance.


Markdown Monies, Price Protection, Co-Op

Generated for markdown monies, price protection, co-op.


Display Allowance

Generated for display allowance.


Co-Op Allowance

Generated for Co-op allowance.


Coop Allowance

Generated for Co-op allowance.


Anticipation, Vendor Request

Generated for anticipation at vendor request.


Anticipation, Early Payment of Invoice

Generated for anticipation, early payment of invoice.


No PO Allowance Other


Online Grocery Vendor Funding Program


Purchase Rebate Allowance


Pharmacy Rebate








PO Allowances




AP Code

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Code Long Description


Freight on Returned Merchandise

Generated to cover freight on returned merchandise.


Defective Merchandise Allowance

Generated when the invoice does not reflect the defective or swell allowance specified on the Supplier Agreement or on the Purchase Order. Agreed upon allowances are not eligible for payback. Payback may only be considered if a buyer approves and submits a buyer payback request with the proper documentation.

  • Written documentation (e.g., emails, etc.) with your buyer showing changes/custom pricing, and/or allowance agreements for the specific timeframe.


Handling Charge as Documented

Refers to the Handling Fee deduction, which is a charge related to the processing of returns. It is applied to all suppliers across all Walmart divisions as part of the returns charges agreed upon in the Supplier Agreement.


Claim Not Deducted

Generated for a claim not deducted.


MDSE Destroyed, Damaged, Defective

Generated to cover merchandise destroyed, damaged, or defective.


MDSE Return, Overstock or Recall

Generated to cover merchandise returned due to overstock or recall.


MDSE Return, Damaged Merchandise

Generated to cover merchandise returned due to being damaged merchandise.


MDSE Return, Defective Merchandise

Generated to cover merchandise returned due to being defective merchandise.


MDSE Return, Wrong Item

Generated to cover merchandise returned due to being the wrong item.


MDSE for Repair, Assembly, Not Returned

Generated to cover merchandise returned for repair.


MDSE Return, Handling Charge

Generated to cover merchandise return handling charge.


Disposal Fee

Generated for disposal fee.




MDSE Return, Defective Merchandise (Walmart Discretion Program)

Return claim code generated to cover merchandise returned as defective with Walmart Discretion terms in the agreement.


Soft Goods Defective Allowance

Generated when the invoice does not reflect the soft good defective allowance specified on the Supplier Agreement or on the Purchase Order. Agreed upon allowances are not eligible for payback. Payback may only be considered if a buyer approves and submits a buyer payback request with the proper documentation.

  • Written documentation (e.g., emails, etc.) with your buyer showing changes/custom pricing, and/or allowance agreements for the specific timeframe.




Direct Import


Ecom Billing

Cash Discount

AP Code

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Code Long Description


Cash Discount

Please see your Supplier Agreement for specific terms and conditions regarding Payment Terms and Cash Discounts as they apply to your company’s invoices.

Cash Discounts are the discounts taken for the earlier payment terms that are agreed on under the Business Terms Section of your Supplier Agreement (e.g., 1% 30 days, N45 days). Unless otherwise specified in your Supplier Agreement, cash discount will be calculated on the gross amount of your invoice and released on the latest of:

  • The date that we accept delivery of the merchandise, and it is recorded as received in our facilities system as received OR
  • The date that we receive the invoice, or if disputed, the date the invoice is reconciled OR
  • The time specified for delivery in an Order (other terms and conditions may apply, please see your Supplier Agreement).

Payments will be initiated on the calculated due date and payments will be made via Electronic Funds Transfer ("EFT"). Funds will be transmitted using an ACH process and your account funded based on your banks process (typically the next day). Payments are considered paid on time according to payment / check date and not cash in bank.

 If an error has occurred the proper documentation will be required.

  • Copy of fully executed Supplier Agreement.
  • Documentation of agreement for alternative terms


AP Code

Code Short Description

Code Long Description


Seal Intact, Short or Damaged

Generated to cover seal intact, short or damaged.


Pallets, Shrink-Wrapped, Short Damaged

Generated to cover shrink-wrapped, short damage.


Concealed Damaged

Generated to cover concealed damage.


Concealed Shortage 08/05

Identified after initial receiving when merchandise is not visible at the time the shipment is received. Concealed shortages are defined in three ways: Inner Carton Shortages, Inner Pallet Shortages, and Partial Supplier Pack. If an error has occurred and the supplier can provide proof of delivery, the proper requirements must be met.

  • Proof of Delivery must include the invoice or PO number along with a matching delivery address for store disputes.
  • Proof of Delivery must include a POD signed for in eaches for warehouse disputes.


Merchandise Billed Not Shipped

Generated when the quantity of a specific item on the invoice does not match the quantity of the item received. If the supplier is able to present required documentation, a dispute may be filed.

  • Freight bill showing that number of cases shipped is equal to number of cases billed.
    • Collect suppliers: Provide a signed Bill of Lading. The Purchase Order number must be clearly stated on document.
    • Prepaid suppliers: Provide a signed Proof of Delivery, including a signed gate stamp (dropship trailer stamp) when applicable. The Purchase Order number must be clearly listed on document.


Carton Shortage, Mis-Routing Changed FOB

Generated when there is a carton shortage and a freight bill signed short.


Carton Shortage, Freight Bill Signed Short

Generated when product from the supplier’s facility and the freight bills at the time of pickup are signed noting carton shortages OR the DC stamp is signed short at the time of delivery (i.e., when documented quantities recorded by the supplier as shipped quantity do not match what is received at the DC). The freight bill quantity is different than what is received by the Walmart Facility. If there is an error, the supplier may file a dispute with the proper documentation.

  • Freight bill showing that order was picked up in full:
    • Collect suppliers: Provide a signed Bill of Lading. It must be signed by a driver, and the Purchase Order number must be clearly shown on the Bill of Lading.
    • Prepaid suppliers: Provide a signed Proof of Delivery showing the order was received in full and a signed gate stamp (dropship trailer stamp) showing the load was dropped at a Walmart DC yard. The Purchase Order number must be clearly listed on document.
  • If the dispute is denied and the supplier has PPD freight, the supplier will need to file a claim with the carrier.


POD, No Merchandise Received for Invoice

Generated when no shipment is received for an invoiced purchase order, or the receiving was done after the invoice matching processes are initiated. If an error has occurred, a dispute may be filed with the proper proof of deliver documents:

  • Freight bill showing that order was delivered in full:
    • Collect suppliers: Provide a signed Bill of Lading. It must be signed by a driver, and the Purchase Order number must be clearly shown on Bill of Lading.
    • Prepaid suppliers: Provide a signed Proof of Delivery showing the order was received in full. The Purchase Order number must be clearly listed on document.


Carton Damage, SL and C

Generated when there is carton damage on shipper load and count.


Carton Damage, Freight Bill Signed Damaged

Generated when there is carton damage and a freight bill signed damaged.


Carton Damage, Mis-Routing Changed FOB

Generated when there is carton damage due to misrouting due to changed FOB.


Pallet Charge

Generated to cover a pallet charge.


Routing Violation, Excessive Freight

Generated to cover a routing violation for excessive freight.


Incorrect Color/Size Assortment

Generated for incorrect color or size assortment.


Labor and Handling, Packaging and Re-Packaging

Generated for labor and handling for packaging / re-packaging.


BOL Address to Wrong Location

Generated for BOL address to wrong location.


Early Shipment

Generated for early shipment.


Late Shipment

Generated for late shipment.


PO# not on BOL

Generated for signing allowance.


Incorrect PO# on BOL

Generated for grocery bill back allowance.


Incorrect or No Item# on Cartons

Generated for fixture allowance.


Labor and Handling, Ticketing and Re-Ticketing

Generated for labor & handling for ticketing and re-ticketing.




Transportation Charges


Unloading Fees


Detention Charges


AP Code

Code Short Description

Code Long Description


Freight Cost on Backorder

Generated to cover freight cost on backorder.


Collect, Should Have Been Pre-Paid

Generated to cover when collect should have been pre-paid.


Merchandise SB Prepaid to Consolidator

Generated to cover merchandise S and B pre-paid to the consolidator.


Freight S and B Pre-Paid to Consolidator

Generated to cover freight S and B to consolidator.


Freight Cost to Forward Mis-Routed Shipment

Generated to cover freight cost to forward a mis-routed shipment.


DSDC Allowance

Generated when the invoice does not reflect the DSDC allowance specified on the Supplier Agreement or on the Purchase Order. Agreed upon allowances are not eligible for payback. Payback may only be considered if a buyer approves and submits a buyer payback request with the proper documentation.

  • Written documentation (e.g., emails, etc.) with your buyer showing changes/custom pricing, and/or allowance agreements for the specific timeframe.


MABD Compliance






AP Code

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Code Long Description


Warehouse Allowance for Staple Stock

Generated when the invoice does not reflect the warehouse allowance specified on the Supplier Agreement or on the Purchase Order. Agreed upon allowances are not eligible for payback. Payback may only be considered if a buyer approves and submits a buyer payback request with the proper documentation.

  • Written documentation (e.g., emails, etc.) with your buyer showing changes/custom pricing, and/or allowance agreements for the specific timeframe.


Warehouse Allowance for Staple Stock (product housed in the warehouses until needed at store level)

Generated when the invoice does not reflect the warehouse allowance specified on the Supplier Agreement or on the Purchase Order. Agreed upon allowances are not eligible for payback. Payback may only be considered if a buyer approves and submits a buyer payback request with the proper documentation.

  • Written documentation (e.g., emails, etc.) with your buyer showing changes/custom pricing, and/or allowance agreements for the specific timeframe.


New Location Allowance

Generated when the invoice does not reflect the new location (new store or new warehouse) allowance specified on the Supplier Agreement or on the Purchase Order. Agreed upon allowances are not eligible for payback. Payback may only be considered if a buyer approves and submits a buyer payback request with the proper documentation.

  • Written documentation (e.g., emails, etc.) with your buyer showing changes/custom pricing, and/or allowance agreements for the specific timeframe.


Quantity Discount for Assembly Stock

Generated when the invoice does not reflect the quantity allowance specified on the Supplier Agreement or on the Purchase Order. Agreed upon allowances are not eligible for payback. Payback may only be considered if a buyer approves and submits a buyer payback request with the proper documentation.

  • Written documentation (e.g., emails, etc.) with your buyer showing changes/custom pricing, and/or allowance agreements for the specific timeframe.


Quantity Discount for Assembly Stock (product that crosses through a warehouse and is sent to the store)

Generated when the invoice does not reflect the quantity allowance specified on the Supplier Agreement or on the Purchase Order. Agreed upon allowances are not eligible for payback. Payback may only be considered if a buyer approves and submits a buyer payback request with the proper documentation.

  • Written documentation (e.g., emails, etc.) with your buyer showing changes/custom pricing, and/or allowance agreements for the specific timeframe.


Discount Not Taken at Time of Payment

Generated for discount not taken at time of payment.


AP Code

Code Short Description

Code Long Description


Price Difference Between PO and Invoice

Generated when cost differences are identified for specific items (e.g., item cost differences between a Purchase Order and invoice, or the receiving and store’s item file). Any agreed upon pricing is not eligible for payback. Payback may only be considered if a buyer approves and submits a buyer payback. These amounts can be disputed with the appropriate documentation.

  • Written documentation (e.g., emails, etc.) with your buyer showing changes/custom pricing and/or allowance agreements for the specific timeframe.


Invoice Incorrectly Totaled or Extended

Generated to cover an invoice incorrectly totaled or extended.


Substitution Overcharge

Generated when a supplier invoices for one item number, but Walmart received a different item. The claim will be the amount of the difference between the costs of the two items. If an error has occurred, and the supplier is able to provide proof of delivery documentation, a dispute may be filed with the appropriate documentation.

  • Signed Bill of Lading showing correct items shipped, including the O, S, and D (Over, Short, and Damaged) stamp for distribution center shipments.
  • Store shipments must provide a finalized receiving detail report or a signed invoice as POD.


Line Level Substitution Claim


Duplicate Billing

Generated when two invoices are submitted for the same purchase order. If there is an error, proof of delivery for each invoice is needed to file a dispute.

  • Freight bill showing that order was delivered in full:
    • Collect suppliers: Provide a signed Bill of Lading. It must be signed by a driver, and the Purchase Order number must be clearly shown on the Bill of Lading.
    • Prepaid suppliers: Provide a signed Proof of Delivery showing the order was received in full. The Purchase Order number must be clearly listed on the document.


PO Number Not on Invoice

Generated to cover when a PO number is not on the invoice.


Multiple PO Numbers on Invoice

Generated to cover multiple PO numbers on an invoice.


PO Number Incorrect on Invoice

Generated to cover when a PO number is incorrect on the invoice.


Sales Tax, State

Generated to cover state sales tax.


Sales Tax, City

Generated to cover city sales tax.



Generated to cover insurance.


Stop-Off Charge Incorrectly Added to Invoice

Generated to cover stop-off charges incorrectly added to an invoice.


Pre-Paid Freight Incorrectly Added to Invoice

Generated to cover pre-paid freight incorrectly added to the invoice.


Excessive Freight Charge on Invoice

Generated to cover excessive freight charge on invoice.


Duplicate Payment

Generated for duplicate payment.


Overpayment of Invoice Amount

Generated for overpayment of invoice amount.


Interest on Recovery of Payment in Error

Generated for interest of recovery of payment in error.


Interest on Overpayment

Generated for interest on overpayment.


Excise Tax

Generated for excise tax.



Generated for excise tax.



Generated when other claim codes do not apply. Agreed upon pricing allowances are not eligible for payback. However, if an error has occurred, these amounts can be disputed with the appropriate documentation.

  • Line-level allowances: Supplier will need to provide documentation of eligible allowance detailing the agreed upon amounts vs the invoice amounts.
  • Vendor Pack Quantity: Supplier will need to provide documentation, showing an error between the PO pack quantity and the invoice pack quantity. If you notice that the incorrect pack quantity was included on your invoice, please note this in your dispute.


Unauthorized Charge, System Deduction

Generated for unauthorized charge, system deduction.


OMP (Wal-Mart dot com only)


Price/Allowance Favorable Allowance


AP Code

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Code Long Description




Previous Account, Debit Balance

Generated for previous account, debit balance.


Transfer or Debit Balance

Generated for transfer or debit balance.


Buyers Reserve

Generated for buyer reserve.


Storage Charges

Generated for storage charges.


Sample Charges

Generated for sample charges.


Credit Memo from Supplier

Generated for a credit memo from the supplier.


Post Audit


Supplier Penalty Error


Optical Rent


Tenant Rent


Recycled Commodities


AP Debit Balance


Real Estate

Media Group

AP Code

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Code Long Description


Connections Center


Walmart Media Group


Real-Estate, Ecom, Evalues


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Code Long Description




Sam's Madrid

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