From the Deductions Summary, you can click View deduction breakdown to gain insights about deduction reasons and view details by PO Number, Invoice Number, or Check Number. These details and insights can help you spot trends so you can decide if action is needed.
The data in the Deductions table is updated at the beginning of each month, and there is a 1-month lag. For example, the data at the beginning of February 2024 shows deductions as of December 2023.
View Deductions
In the left navigation menu, click Payments and select Deductions.
At the top left corner of the Deductions page, click View deduction breakdown.
To search for specific deductions, select a Date Type (PO date, Invoice date, or Check date) before selecting a Date Range.
You can search by Purchase Order number, Invoice number, or Check number by selecting an option from the drop-down menu. Then, copy and paste the corresponding number(s) in the search bar. Press enter/return on your keyboard to apply your search.
Click Filters to narrow down the results.Make your selections for Supplier ID, Master group, Deduction category, Deduction code, Division, Department number, and/or Department sequence. Click the Apply button to apply your selections.
You can hover over any column header and click the arrow to sort the data. Make sure to scroll to the right to view all columns in the table (the Actions column always appears).
Download Deductions
You can download data for up to 10,000 deductions. Use the filter to narrow down the results, or select individual deductions using the check boxes in the table.
Then, click the Download button.
If you select individual deductions, click the Download button that appears in the blue bar.
You can also download an individual deduction by clicking the icon under the Actions column.
The file will look like this example.
Download History
Click Download history to view each deductions download you have requested in Supplier One. If your file didn't download automatically, click the download icon next to the date and time of your request.
Supplier ID
The 6-digit number assigned to you during Supplier Onboarding (e.g., Vendor ID in the example below).
Supplier name
The name associated to the Supplier ID.
Identifies the area of the operating business (e.g., Walmart, Sam's).
AP dept number
The Internal Accounts Payable Department Number. Appears as Dept Number on the check.
Assigned dept number
The 2-digit Merchandising Department Number. Also known as the Accounting Department Number (1-99).
Department sequence
The 1-digit (0-9) sequence to identify the 9-digit Supplier Number (i.e., Agreement Number). Also known as the Sequence Number.
Store number
The Internal Accounts Payable Store Number.
PO number
The number assigned to an official authorization for purchasing merchandise.
PO date
The date (mm/dd/yyyy) of authorization for purchasing merchandise.
Invoice number
The assigned invoice number.
Invoice date
The date (mm/dd/yyyy) of the assigned invoice number.
Gross amt (amount)
The total amount of the transaction.
Reason code
The reason type code that corresponds to the description of an adjustment that was taken/given.
Deduction code
The reason type code that corresponds to the description of an adjustment that was taken/given.
Download the Walmart Accounts Payable Claims and Deductions Guide and scroll down to page 44 to view the list.
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If you experience any issues using Supplier One, please click "Help" in the top navigation menu and select "Manage tickets" to file a case ticket. Or, select "Chat" to get real-time help from our chat bot or click "Search articles" to search Supplier One HelpDocs.
Make sure to select the issue type that best describes your experience.