WebEDI Overview

Updated 1 month ago ​by Merch Transformation Change Management

WebEDI is an online application that allows suppliers to securely send and receive documents (like POs and invoices) from Walmart. There are many benefits to using this application, it is paperless, no software costs, realtime document validation against Walmart's requirements and one year of data retention. 

Log in to WebEDI

  1. Go to https://retaillink.wal-mart.com.
  2. Click Apps and enter EDI-B2B in the Filter apps field.
  3. Click EDI-B2B in the results and select WebEDI v2.

To view tutorial videos on how to use Web EDI, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to Retail Link by going to https://retaillink.wal-mart.com.
  2. Click Apps and enter EDI-B2B in the Filter apps field.
  3. Click on EDI-B2B and select WebEDI v2 FAQ.

This lists the countries that currently utilize WebEDI and what type of documentation is available. 

Walmart Region Code


Purchase Order



















Great Britain








Costa Rica




El Salvador




















United States



Frequently Asked Questions

General Overview and Setup

1. What is WebEDI's threshold limit per year?

Based on feedback from Suppliers about labor costs associated with manual document management, we don't allow Suppliers to start using WebEDI if they expect to send/receive more than 5,500 documents per year. 

2. Can I switch to Traditional EDI once I'm on WebEDI?

In order to control the labor costs associated with testing and migration, Walmart expects Suppliers to stay on WebEDI for a period of 1 year before requesting to switch to Traditional EDI. 

3. How many Supplier Numbers can be set up on WebEDI?

WebEDI can support multiple Supplier Numbers within the same Walmart Region. Refer to the table above to identify whether your Supplier Numbers fall within the same Walmart Regions. If you have Supplier Numbers in multiple Walmart Regions, you will need to have a separate WebEDI mailbox for each Walmart Region. Switching between WebEDI mailboxes is very easy; you use a drop-down box at the top of most WebEDI pages. 

4. Who can access my WebEDI mailbox?

To access your WebEDI mailbox, you need to have a Retail Link Vendor Number that is associated with a WebEDI mailbox.

5. Can I receive an email any time I have new unread documents in my WebEDI mailbox?

You can add an email address to your WebEDI mailbox so that you receive an email when you have a new document. The email address for your mailbox is located on your mailbox's Settings page; on the left menu under Account, click Settings. If possible, we recommend adding at least two users' email addresses to receive email notifications. 

6. Where do I make changes to my document setup information?

On the left menu of your mailbox, under the Account heading, click on the Settings link. This will open the Edit Mailbox page. Under Attached Setups, if you don't see the setup you need, try to add it yourself. If you can't add the setup, contact EDI Support through a Self Service Ticket located in Retail Link > Apps > Supplier Self Service or by calling 479-273-8888 (toll-free 888-499-6377) and selecting Option 2. If you do see the setup and it has an Edit icon, you can click on the icon to change the setup options. These options vary depending on the country and setup type. 

7. I have multiple WebEDI mailboxes; how do I access them?

If you have multiple WebEDI mailboxes, you will see a Dashboard that lists all of your mailboxes when you log in to WebEDI. Click on the mailbox you want to view. Once you are in a mailbox, you can switch to a different one by either clicking on the Dashboard link on the left menu or selecting from a drop-down list at the top of the page. 

8. How can I complete a self-test in Retail Link?

You can find an EDI self-test in Retail Link by following this path: Apps > E > E-Commerce/EDI > Self Service Tools > Vendor Self Testing Portal.

Purchase Orders

1. How can I view my Purchase Orders? 

Once you are in your mailbox, on the left menu click the Inbox page. This page contains a list of documents, including Purchase Orders, from Walmart. Each document will have a Document Number with a clickable link that allows you to view the details of that PO. 

2. What are the different Purchase Order statuses and what do they mean? 

The Purchase Order statuses are: 

  • Unread: The initial status given to all documents when they are created within WebEDI. This is indicated by an unshaded circle under the Status column. 
  • Partially Read: Only occurs with multi-ship Purchase Orders with multiple location-based PO views. A document will move to this status when 1 or more specific locations (but not all locations) have been viewed. This is indicated by a half-shaded circle under the Status column. 
Looking at a PO in the Summary View will mark the PO as Read. 
  • Read: Indicates all locations on a PO have been viewed. This can either occur by viewing all locations associated with a PO or by viewing a PO in using the Summary View. This is indicated by a fully shaded circle under the Status column. 
Walmart considers either a Partially Read or Read status as an Acknowledgement of the POs receipt.  

3. How can I view my PO details?

From the Inbox page, click on the link under the Document heading name. You can also use the search box to find a specific PO.

4. If my PO is a multi-ship PO, how can I view the individual stores? 

When you select a multi-ship PO from the Inbox page, a Store Select pop-up box will appear. Click on the appropriate Store Number under the Store heading to view the Purchase Order for that store. Once you have opened the Purchase Order in the Store View, you can navigate to other stores by clicking the forward and backward arrows (and associated store numbers) at the top of the PO Details page. This will allow you to easily gain visibility into large, multi-ship POs, particularly when mass invoicing a multi-ship PO. 

5. Can I print/archive multiple POs at once?

You have two options for multi-PO printing: 

  • Option 1: Mass PO Printing from the Summary View: This option is ideal for PO archival and includes all PO lines with complete distribution, if applicable. This option is available on the Inbox page by selecting the PO(s) you want and clicking the Export Selected link at the top of the page. 
  • Option 2: Mass Print of PO with store distribution: This option is ideal if you need copies that are specific to particular stores for picking or packing purposes. This option is available after selecting a PO with store distribution from the Inbox page. On the Store Select pop-up menu there is an Export All Stores link at the top of the page.
If the PO has a large number of stores, this Export option may take a while. 

You can also export POs individually from either the PO Summary View or the PO Detail View. Both options produce PDF files that can be Printed or Saved.  

6. What is the file format of a downloaded PO? 

POs can only be exported as PDFs. 

7. Can I generate a list of all the POs in my mailbox? 

Yes. From your Inbox page, click on the Export Listing link. An Execute Document List pop-up will appear. Select the format you'd like to download (Excel, CSV or PDF) and select Download.

8. Can I save my PO? 

Walmart will only keep POs in WebEDI for one year. If you need access to these documents beyond that period of time, you must download copies of the POs. For instructions on how to mass download POs, refer to "Can I print/archive multiple POs at one time?" above. 

9. How do I find a PO for a particular location? 

Although the Inbox page doesn't display locations, you can search for POs that contain locations from the "Search panels" "Store Number" text box. Enter the location you want to find documents for and then click Search


1. How can I view an invoice I’ve sent?

From the left menu, click Sent Items. You will land on the Sent Items page, where you can use the filter functionality to find a particular invoice.

2. What do I do after my PO has been invoiced? 

48 hours after you've submitted your invoice, go to the Sent Items page to check the status of your invoice. If your invoice was rejected, you will see a caution icon next to the invoice. Click on the caution icon to view why the invoice was rejected.

If your invoice is in the Acknowledged status, this means that it has been received and processed. It can still be rejected within the first 48 hours by Accounts Payable. 

For multi-location POs, each location must be invoiced separately. Once you submit an email, you will be redirected to the PO location you submitted the invoice for. This allows you to easily navigate to the next location on the PO if you are submitting multi-location POs.

3. How do I add lines to my invoice?

Below the Invoice Detail section of the invoice you will see a + icon next to the Add New Invoice Line. Click the + icon to add a new invoice line to the bottom of the invoice. 

4. How do I add an allowance or charge to my invoice? 

Select the line(s) you want to add an allowance/charge to by clicking on the box next to the line(s). Then, below the Invoice Detail section, click the + icon next to Add Allowance/Charge to selected line(s). Multiple allowances/charges can be added to a line by repeating this process.

Some countries do not support charges; available allowance charge types vary depending on the country. 

5. How do I create an invoice for a PO? 

Go to the detail/location section of the PO. The Summary View of a PO can't be invoiced even if it is only for one location. You should see an invoice link at the top of the PO. If you don't see an invoice link, double-check that you have an Invoice Setup associated with your WebEDI mailbox and that the PO you are viewing isn't a "Planning", "Cash of Delivery" or "Booking" Order Type that shouldn't be invoiced. 

Click on the invoice link. An invoice draft based on the PO-Location you selected the invoice from should appear. Verify that the info in the invoice is correct; you can add, delete or adjust the content, if necessary. Once the invoice is ready, click the Send Invoice link at the top or bottom of the Invoice page.

6. How do I create an invoice if I don't have a PO? 

If you are identified by Walmart as a Direct Store Delivery (DSD) Supplier, you must have a PO to create an invoice from scratch. If you are a DSD Supplier or a non-DSD Supplier with a PO and you want to manually create an invoice to submit to Walmart, click the Compose link found under the Outbound heading in the left menu in WebEDI. Enter your Vendor, Location and Payment Terms information. Then, fill in the Invoice Line-Level details and submit the invoice. 

7. How do I know my invoice was accepted? What are the different statuses of an invoice? 

EDI only displays whether an invoice has been Acknowledged as received and reports back when AP sends an automated invoice rejection. To see if an invoice is accepted, you will need to check an AP application. For instructions on how to do this, see “What tools can I use (other than EDI) to research the status of my document?” below.

8. What are the different invoice statuses? 

On the Sent Items page, WebEDI displays the followings statuses:

  • Processing: The invoice has not been translated and handed to Accounts Payable yet. 
  • Acknowledged: The invoice has been translated and handed to Accounts Payable. 
  • Rejected: The invoice was sent to Accounts Payable and the invoice was rejected automatically.

It can take up to 48 hours for an invoice to move from an “Acknowledged” to “Rejected” status. To view why an invoice was rejected, click on the "Rejected" icon.

It's possible to get a "false rejection" if you receive a PO late in the day and immediately ship and invoice it within less than 24 hours. This is rare, but if you believe this to be the case, you may resubmit the invoice and check back to see if it’s rejected again.

9. How long does it take for my invoice to process? 

You should wait 48 hours to make sure the invoice has processed through Walmart’s Accounts Payable department. 

10. Can I download/print/archive my invoice? 

Yes, you can. From the Sent Items page you can search, sort and select invoices by clicking on the box(es) next to the invoice(s) you would like to export, and then clicking on the Export link. The selected invoice(s) will download (the download process differs based on the web browser you use) and can be opened, saved or printed either from the web browser itself or any software that supports Adobe Acrobat™ files. 

11. Can I delete an invoice after it has been paid? 

No, all invoices will be automatically deleted 366 days after they are created. 

12. Where do I set up my Tax IDs so I don’t have to enter them every time? 

Great Britain and Canada Suppliers can set up their Tax IDs as part of their Invoice Setup configuration by following the steps below:

  1. Log in to WebEDI. 
  2. In the left menu, under the Account header, click the Settings link.
  3. Click the edit icon next to the appropriate Invoice Setup on the Attached Setups Panel
  4. Under Edit Setup Details, enter your Tax IDs. 
  5. Click the Update Setup button.

13. Where do I specify my Payment Terms? 

Payment terms are pulled either from the PO on a PO-to-Invoice turnaround or from Vendor Master when a new document is composed from scratch (based on the 9-digit Supplier Number selected). The terms can be changed on invoices composed from scratch after the terms are defaulted. 

14. I submitted an Invoice with errors. What should I do? 

You need to let the invoice run its course and then take appropriate action. Neither EDI nor AP Support can stop an invoice from processing once it is submitted. AP validates invoices every evening. If the invoice was submitted before 5 PM CST, the invoice may be validated within one business day. Invoices submitted around or after 5 PM CST will not be validated until two evenings thereafter.

If the allotted time has passed and AP rejects your invoice, you can correct the invoice by recreating the invoice from scratch, by PO-Invoice turnaround or by copying the rejected invoice to a draft copy, editing it and then resubmitting it.

If the allotted time has passed and AP has not rejected your invoice, you should contact the AP Support Desk and request that the invoice be voided. AP Support will let you know how long you need to wait before resubmitting a new invoice. 

An invoice can't be voided once a payment is issued. If the invoice is not rejected because the invoice was understated, it may be easier to submit a separate invoice for the difference.

 Invoice Rejections

1. Can I send an invoice the same day I receive my PO? 

Yes, but you run the risk of receiving a "false rejection" if the PO hasn’t reached Walmart’s Accounts Payable system before your invoice. This can cause a 1-2 day delay in processing your invoice. For that reason, we recommend waiting one day before sending an invoice. 

2. What invoice fields are required? 

Requirements vary by country and state/province.

3. What tools (other than WebEDI) can I use to research the status of my document?

There are two ways to locate invoices, depending on your location.US/Canada invoices 

  • Accounting Scorecard: The EDI Performance section will let you know how many invoices have been passed to Accounts Payable, and of those, how many were rejected automatically (864 insufficient documents) and how many have been sent for manual processing. 
This is the only place that tells you if an invoice is being processed manually. WebEDI will show the invoice was delivered to AP, but Automated Supplier Invoice Inquiry (ASII) will not show that AP received them. You should use Accounting Scorecard if WebEDI shows the invoice was delivered to AP but AP doesn't show it received it.
  • Automated Supplier Invoice Inquiry (ASII): This application can be used to tell if AP has received and is processing your invoice. It also allows you to check the status of your invoices, checks or claims. ASII doesn't show invoices that are being manually processed. 

Great Britain invoices 

  • Where is my Invoice: A centralized starting point for all things invoice-research-related. On the Where's my Invoice? page, there is an eight-week summarized report of invoices received, match rates, outstanding differences and debit claims.
  • Linked - Retail Link Remittance Tool (90-day paid detail): A Scintilla Report that can be run with custom fields that provide an Excel (or delimited) listing of Remittance Payments.
  • Unpaid Detail: A detailed listing of invoices that haven't been paid.

4. I still have an unanswered question; who can I contact? 

Please create a Self Service Ticket located in Retail Link > Apps > Supplier Self Service or by calling 479-273-8888 (toll-free 888-499-6377). 

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