On Time In Full (OTIF) Trends

Updated 1 week ago ​by Merch Transformation Change Management

What is On Time In Full (OTIF)?

OTIF provides visibility to our joint on time and in full supply chain performance, helping you easily view current and trended inbound performance by various levels of the business. 

The data in Supplier One, which refreshes every Saturday, is the same as in the OTIF Scorecard you previously accessed through Retail Link > Apps and is solely for Walmart US and eCommerce deliveries to our ACC, FDC, FSC, HVDC, Optical, Pharmacy, and RDC Networks.  

View On Time In Full Trends

Here's how to view and download trends in terms of months and weeks following the Walmart OTIF charges schedule. You can also view the PO breakdown for the trends.

Click Learn more in Supplier One for definitions and tips on how to read the data. Check out our Supplier Academy course to learn more about OTIF.
  1. In the left navigation menu, click Performance and select On time in full trends.
  2. Select what you want to view trends for: WMT Stores or eCommerce.
  3. Select the timeframe that you want to view trends for.
    1. Click Change to select recent Walmart week(s). Remember to click Apply to save your change.
    2. Learn more about the timeframe comparison by clicking vs. Walmart weeks ## - ## (mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy.
  4. Click Filters to view data by 6-digit supplier ID, 9-digit agreement number, vendor pool ID, DC number, freight type, merch alignment, SBU, department, category, and/or buyer ID.
  5. Once you have selected your criteria, scroll down to the On Time and In Full charts to view the data.
    Click Learn More for more information about these charts and OTIF target goals. Click View PO to see the PO breakdown.
  6. The next sections include:
    1. Accountability chart: Shows the root cause issue(s) for all non-compliant cases by supplier and Walmart accountability. This helps you identify which areas need to be improved.
    2. On time variance chart: Shows delivery window expectations based on Delivery Type, Network, and Mode for all POs.
    3. Trend analysis: Shows metrics over time to help you identify trends. Click on a point in the chart to view the associated POs.
    4. Ranked performance: Shows the top 10 or bottom 10 for 6-digit supplier ID, 9-digit agreement number, merch alignment, SBU, department, category, or DC number by the selected metric.
  7. The DC Performance section shows:
    1. Location: View On Time, In Full, and Collect Ready performance by the Distribution Center (DC) location.
    2. Metric: View how one metric performs compared to another metric.
    3. Network: View performance metrics for each DC network.
  8. Click Download for a read-only file of the performance summary.

View PO Breakdown

  1. Click View PO breakdown at the top of the page.
  2. Select what you want to view POs for: WMT Stores or eCommerce.
  3. Select the timeframe that you want to view POs for.
    1. Click Change to select a recent Walmart week. Remember to click Apply to save your change.
    2. Learn more about the timeframe comparison by clicking vs. Walmart weeks ## - ## (mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy.
  4. You can search for up to 50 POs at a time.
  5. Click Filters to view POs by SBU, department, category, supplier name, 6-digit supplier ID, 9-digit agreement number, host PO number, OMS PO number, Must Arrive By Date (MABD), order date, and/or cases ordered.
  6. Click Customize to select the columns you see in the table and the order in which they appear.
    1. Click Show selected only to view the current selections.
    2. Click On Time, In Full, and/or Collect Ready to select their associated columns.
    3. Click individual check boxes to select each column you want to see.
    4. To reorder the data, click the dots to the right. Then, drag and drop the column name in the order you prefer.
    5. Click Save and apply to set your selections as the default. This data will always show when you view the PO breakdown.
      If you want to view your selections without setting them as the default, click Apply.
  7. Once you have selected your criteria, scroll down to the table to view the data. Click the arrow next to Walmart week to sort the table (ascending or descending). Make sure to scroll to the right to view all selected columns.
  8. Click Download for a read-only file of the PO details.

Have Questions or Need Help?

If you experience any issues using Supplier One, please click "Help" in the top navigation menu and select "Manage tickets" to file a case ticket. Or, select "Chat" to get real-time help from our chat bot or click "Search articles" to search Supplier One HelpDocs. 

Make sure to select the issue type that best describes your experience.

For detailed instructions, refer to Manage Case Tickets.

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