DSV Integration Options

Updated 2 months ago ​by Merch Transformation Change Management

Supplier One

New suppliers enter the DSV program via Supplier One. Supplier One provides our partners the tools necessary to manage their DSV business. These tools include item setup, inventory management, order management, and performance stats.

Pros of Supplier One

Cons of Supplier One

  • Free to use
  • Item setup
  • Inventory management
  • Order management
  • Manual processes
  • Not ideal for high-volume inventory
  • No order alerts


Suppliers also have the option to integrate via EDI. To connect via EDI, Walmart requires all DSVs to complete additional testing through SPS Commerce. For more information on this process, review: DSV Onboarding: SPS Commerce Services.

Pros of EDI

Cons of EDI

  • Speed
  • Automation
  • Ideal for high-volume inventory
  • Inventory management
  • Order management
  • Additional fees for testing and support
  • Must have an EDI support network or work with a 3rd party EDI provider
  • Does not support item set up
  • Requires testing to go live

You can find additional information on the Developer Portal > EDI Data Transfer.


Suppliers can also integrate via API. You can find more information in API Onboarding for DSVs.

Pros of API

Cons of API

  • Speed
  • Item Set Up
  • Ideal for high-volume inventory
  • DSV initiates order retrieval
  • Real-time Order Availability
  • Inventory management
  • DSVs must contact API support to troubleshoot issues
You can find additional information on the Developer Portal > Introduction to 1P Supplier APIs.

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