Below are instructions for filing a claim to report trademark, patent, counterfeit, or copyright infringements (i.e., intellectual property infringement claims, IP infringement claims).
Filing and viewing claims is only available for brand owners. Learn more about the benefits of brand registration and brand ownership in Register a Brand.
Types of Infringement
Type of Infringement
Unauthorized use of a trademark on or in connection with goods in a manner that is likely to cause confusion about the source of the goods.
The unauthorized making, using, offering to sell, selling, or importing into the U.S. of a patented invention.
Inauthentic items that are intended to appear authentic.
Unauthorized use of a claim that is protected under copyright law.
File a Claim
Make sure to only submit one claim per infringement to avoid delays in getting a resolution.
On your Home page, click Register a brand.
Or, click Items and inventory in the left navigation menu and select Brand registration.
You will see a list of your registered brands. At the top right corner of the page, click Claims and select File a claim.
Select your Brand Name from the drop-down menu. You can only select a brand that you own.
Tell us about the infringement you are reporting:
Select the Type of Infringement: Trademark, Patent, Counterfeit, or Copyright.
If you select Trademark, then select your Trademark Number. This can be found on the United States Patent and Trademark Office website (see instructions here). If you only have one trademark number for the brand, it will automatically populate and cannot be edited.
If you select Patent, then select your Patent Number.
If you selected Copyright, then select your Copyright Number.
Select the Reason for your claim.
Enter the Item URL.
Click Add URL to add multiple Item URLs (up to 10 total).
Select the Seller Name(s) for each Item URL. If you do not see the Seller Name in the options, you can type it in the field and the system will run validations. Remember to click Save.
Optional: If you selected Counterfeit as the Type of Infringement, you can also provide purchase order numbers (POs) for the delivered counterfeit products.
Provide additional details about your claim. Comments (between 20 and 1,000 characters) are required to provide the Walmart team with enough information to review your claim.
Optional: Upload up to three documents (one at a time) to support your claim. Drag and drop each file in the designated area or click browse to select each file from your computer.
Supported file types are: .doc, .pdf, .csv, .xls, .png, and .jpg. Each file cannot exceed 7 MB, and file names should have alphanumeric characters only (i.e., no symbols).
Click all the check boxes to acknowledge that you understand the terms and conditions of filing a claim.
Enter your full name (first and last) as your digital signature. Then, click Submit claim.
If your submission fails, try refreshing the page before submitting again.
View Your Claims
The Walmart team will review your submission and send status updates via email. Here's how to view your claims in Supplier One.
On your Home page, click Register a brand.
Or, click Items and inventory in the left navigation menu and select Brand registration.
You will see a list of your registered brands. At the top right corner of the page, click Claims and select View my claims.
View a summary and details of claims submitted for brands you own. Use the search bar or click one of the filters (Claim Type, Brand, Submitted By, or Claim Status) to narrow down the list.If claims have not been submitted for brands you own, you will not see the data table.
Select a Claim # to view all details on a read-only page.
The Claim details page shows a summary, including the current status and next steps (if any), and a list of the reported items.
To appeal a rejected claim or learn more about an accepted claim, refer to the Need help? section for information about contacting Brand Help.