Store Demand Forecast

Updated 3 weeks ago ​by Merch Transformation Change Management

The Store Demand Forecast shows how your business is projected to perform week by week over a span of two years (104 weeks total). Here's how to view the forecast and download the data.

Store Demand Forecast is currently available for Owned suppliers only.

View Store Demand Forecast

  1. In the left navigation menu, click Demand and forecasts and select Store demand forecast.
  2. You can view the forecast for All departments or select individual departments from the drop-down menu.
  3. The chart shows the projected units week by week. Use the drop-down menu at the top right corner of the chart to select a timeframe: Next month, Next 3 months, Next 6 months, Next year, or Next 2 years.


If you prefer to review the data in Excel, you can download the forecast in weekly intervals over a span of two years (104 weeks total).

Click the Download button.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I view the demand forecast in Supplier One?

In the left navigation menu, click Demand and forecasts and select Store demand forecast.

2. Which forecasts are shown on the demand forecast?

The demand forecast is the total national demand forecast for each item for the next 104 weeks. This is the same demand forecast used by Walmart associates to plan replenishment (sometimes known as the 'GRS Forecast' or the 'SMART Forecast').

This forecast is a prediction of unconstrained customer demand - a prediction of total customer unit sales. It is not an order plan or a guarantee of order placement. The final orders created will depend on many other factors such as current inventory, safety stock, lead times, and other planning constraints.

3. How do I use the information in demand forecast?

The demand forecast should be used for planning purposes and to get a better sense of how many unit sales are expected in future weeks.

4. How often does the demand forecast change?

The forecasts are refreshed weekly for the next 104 weeks. In most cases, the forecast will not change much, but the models will continue to learn from ongoing trends and adjust as necessary. Other reasons for a forecast volume change may be the addition or deletion of the item from some store modulars or manual adjustments to account for special situations such as new events.

5. Is the POS Forecast a guarantee of orders?

The POS Forecast is not a guarantee of orders or suggestive of future purchase orders. To gain insight into forecasted purchase orders, please utilize the Supply Plan/Order Plan.

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Make sure to select the issue type that best describes your experience.

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