Getting Started in Supplier One

Updated 7 hours ago ​by Merch Transformation Change Management

Our goal is to provide a unified experience that connects the different capabilities you use as part of doing business with Walmart in the U.S. market.

Overview Video

Watch this video for a walkthrough of Supplier One.

Before you get started in Supplier One, here are the basic features and functions you should know about:

Log in to Supplier One

  1. Go to in your Google Chrome browser.
  2. Sign in using your Retail Link email ID and password.

Left Navigation Menu

Click the lines next to the Walmart logo at the top left corner of the window to expand the left navigation menu. This is what you use to navigate the primary features of Supplier One:

  • Home
  • Order Management
  • Items and Inventory
  • Ship Point Management (also known as Aspen)
  • Payments
  • Reports
  • Performance
  • Demand and Forecasts
  • Apps and Integrations
  • Growth Opportunity
  • Lock menu (You may also click the lines at the top left corner of the window to lock your menu)


Your Home page provides a summary of open orders, units returned, a link to Scintilla, and a carousel of announcements. It also provides quick access to manage your top tasks and content quality as well as links to more information about APIs, Walmart Connect, brand registration, training and FAQs, and Retail Link if you're looking for something else.

Your top tasks include those related to supply chain, orders, and items (e.g., ship points that need to be certified, orders past due / shipping today / cancellation requests, item maintenance / setup submissions, quote items, item proposals). Make sure to click the arrows to view them all.
Make sure to click the arrows in the carousel to view all announcements.

Order Management

Click Order management in the left navigation menu to view all your Drop Ship Orders and/or Owned Orders.

Items and Inventory

Click Items and Inventory in the left navigation menu to view, set up, manage, and track items and inventory.


Setup Hub

Complete your pre-setup submissions (e.g., Item Quotes, Shipper Quotes, GDSN Publications, or Proposed Items), and create new Item Proposals, Items, Shippers, or Multibox Items.

Maintenance Hub

  • Product Content & Site Experience: Manage basic item info, site dates and details, compliance and regulatory attributes, and product type-specific attributes at the GTIN level.
  • Item Configuration & Supply Chain: Manage trade item configuration details, logistics & transportation, source & destination, store handling, and replenishment attributes.
  • Cost: Suppliers in all departments except Imports, Store Fashion, Pharmacy, and Fees can now manage cost for eCommerce items (Online Only) and Store / Shared Items (Store Only / Store & eCommerce) at the Walmart Item Number level.
  • DSV Inventory: Manage the availability code and quantity (on-hand inventory) of DSV items in all DSV warehouses or a custom set of warehouses.
  • Imagery: Upload and manage images for existing items in the catalog.
  • Rich Media: Manage videos and 360º spin images by providing rich media asset URLs for existing items in the catalog. You can also upload a single video file up to 100 MB and apply it to a maximum of 50 GTINs at one time.
  • Lag Time: Update the lag time for DSV items in your warehouses.

Submissions Manager

Easily track the status of your maintenance, setup, and ship node submissions, and take further action if needed.

For details, refer to Track Your Submissions.

Brand Registration

Registering a brand gives you elevated content ranking so that your content submissions stick. You can easily view and manage all your brands in one place, and the catalog shows which items you are a brand owner for.

Ship Point Management

Click Ship point management in the left navigation menu to manage shipping facilities information such as order patterns, lead times, and exceptions to set up your order and replenishment settings.


Click Payments in the left navigation menu to view your deductions and payment history.


Get a high-level summary of your deductions and how they are grouped and defined. Then, gain insights about deduction reasons and view details of all deductions and payments. These details and insights can help you spot trends so you can decide if action is needed.

Payment history

View the past purchase orders you fulfilled and the amount you were paid for each order. 


View your most recent disputes of the Accounts Payable Claims Process.


Click Reports in the left navigation menu to find important reports and apply filters before downloading them.


Click Performance in the left navigation menu to view your scorecard, return trends / claims and returns scorecard, on time in full trends, and on time in full charges.


The scorecard view consolidates key metrics for content quality, returns, on time / in full, PO accuracy, and more in one page within Supplier One. The data includes the current score and target score, and you can view reports for each metric.

Gain insights into your returns to understand why customers are initiating returns for items they ordered from you. Use these insights to reduce your return rates.

View and download trends in terms of months and weeks following the Walmart On Time In Full (OTIF) charges schedule. You can also view the PO breakdown for these trends.

Click Learn more in Supplier One for definitions and tips on how to read the data. Check out our Supplier Academy course to learn more about OTIF.

On time in full charges

View and download charges in terms of months and weeks following the Walmart On Time In Full (OTIF) charges schedule. You can also view the PO breakdown for these charges.

Click Learn more in Supplier One for definitions and tips on how to read the data. Check out our Supplier Academy course to learn more about OTIF.

Demand and Forecasts

Click Demand and Forecasts in the left navigation menu to view your store demand forecast and daily demand and inventory record.

Store Demand Forecast

Owned suppliers can see how your business is projected to perform week by week over a span of two years (104 weeks total). View the forecast for all departments or select individual departments, and download the data.

Daily Demand and Inventory

The Daily Demand and Inventory Record (DDIR) allows you to look up inventory, inbound, and outbound for perishable goods in Walmart's Grocery distribution centers (GDCs). Use the data to forecast and order inventory accordingly to optimize in-stock and sales.

Apps and Integrations

View your connected apps and visit the app store to learn about more integrations that can streamline your work processes. Only your Retail Link Site Administrator can connect apps to your Supplier One account.

Growth Opportunity

Growth programs

Learn how to grow and evolve your business with Scintilla, Walmart Connect, and Review Accelerator.

Review Accelerator

Enroll eligible items in Review Accelerator, which encourages customers to share their feedback after purchasing an item on When a customer purchases a product that is enrolled, they will be asked to write a true, accurate, and honest review in exchange for a digital reward that can be used toward their next purchase on 


Your input is critical as we continue to add new features and make updates to Supplier One. Click Feedback at the top right corner of your window to submit your comments. Screen shots are optional.


If you have questions about using Supplier One or run into unexpected issues, click Help at the top right corner of your window for options.

  • Chat: Get real-time help from our chatbot or access Supplier One HelpDocs, Supplier Academy, or Supplier Help.
  • Manage tickets: Submit a new ticket, manage your current tickets, or view your closed tickets.
    For detailed instructions, refer to Manage Case Tickets.
  • Search articles: Open the Supplier One HelpDocs in a new browser tab. Enter a topic or keyword in the search bar (you will get more results if your search criteria is less precise), or click on one of the tiles to browse all articles in that category.


Click Account at the top right corner of your window to manage your Supplier profile (e.g., DSV suppliers can view carrier details and manage warehouse information), access brand registration and apps and integrations, or sign out of Supplier One.

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