Supplier Quality Excellence Program Introduction

Updated 1 month ago ​by Merch Transformation Change Management

For information on the Supplier Quality Excellence Program (SQEP), visit the Overview article in Retail Link. Log in to Retail Link and navigate to Academy > 7. Analysis and Reporting (under Quick Learning Articles) > Supplier Quality Excellence Program (SQEP) (under Compliance Programs).

Important SQEP Tools

Use the tools listed below to manage SQEP: 

SQEP Dashboard

ASN Dashboard

FixIt Inspections

Supply Chain Packaging Guide - If you have issues accessing the guide, go to and select Packaging

Important: If you save a copy of the Packaging Guide, check the link(s) above frequently for updated versions.

Contact Us

If you have questions regarding this program, contact the SQEP disputes team here and choose Supplier Quality Excellence Program in the Reason for Contact drop-down menu. You may also call the GBS Supplier Support team at (479) 273-8888 or toll-free at (888) 499-6377. 

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