Supplier Onboarding: Agreements (GFR)

Updated 1 week ago ​by Merch Transformation Change Management

The Agreements tile is enabled after you successfully complete the Registration tile. Reference the Supplier Onboarding: Registration (GFR) article for more information. Once you have completed the Registration tile, you will only see the Master Service Agreement until a Walmart Merchant has generated a Business Terms Agreement.

Access Agreements

From the supplier onboarding dashboard within Supplier One, click Start task on the Agreements tile.

Master Supplier Agreement (MSA)

You must accept/decline your MSA when you complete the Registration tile. Reference the Supplier Onboarding: Registration (GFR) article for more information. If you accept and sign your MSA during Registration, you can view a copy of it in the Agreements tile.
You must sign your MSA before signing your Business Terms Agreement.
  1. Click Get Started in the Sign the Master Supplier Agreement section.
    Make sure to complete all following MSA steps (steps 2–7) for your invitation to be accepted and sent to the Walmart, Inc. Merchant. The Merchant must take action to move the process forward for a new MSA agreement, renewal of an existing agreement, or changes to an existing agreement.
  2. Click Review Master Supplier Agreement on the Master Supplier Agreement page.
  3. Review the MSA document in the pop-up window.
  4. If needed, click PDF to download the MSA document.
  5. Click Close to exit the pop-up window.
  6. Click the check box to acknowledge that you have reviewed and agree to the terms and allowances as laid out in the MSA document.
    Contact the Retail Link Help Desk at 479-273-8888 or toll-free 888-499-6377 for help locating the Business Terms Agreement.
  7. Click Accept to fully accept the agreement. A green check mark on the Master Supplier Agreement tile indicates you have completed MSA tasks.
    Clicking Decline will reject the MSA. If you decline, Walmart, Inc. Merchants cannot generate the Business Terms Agreement.

Business Terms Agreement (BTA)

Sign Your BTA

Signing your BTA is locked until a Walmart Merchant reviews and selects your supplier profile as an approved supplier (i.e., decides to do business with you). You will receive an invitation to accept the Business Terms Agreement.
The Merchant must take action to move the process forward for a new BTA agreement, renewal of an existing agreement, or changes to an existing agreement.
  1. Click Business Terms Agreements and Item Setup to expand the section. Then, click the sub-section (e.g., Walmart Direct Import) to sign your BTA.
  2. Click Sign Your Business Terms Agreement to view the All Agreements page.
  3. Click Get Started for the individual agreement.
  4. Make sure to complete and save the Mailing Addresses section.
    Then, click Review Business Terms for the individual BTA to view the terms with related information.
  5. Review the business terms. If needed, click PDF to download the document. Click Close to exit the pop-up window.
  6. Click Review Agreement for the BTA to view the agreement with related information.
  7. Review the agreement. If needed, click PDF to download the document. Click Close to exit the pop-up window.
  8. Click the check box to acknowledge that you have reviewed and agree to the terms and allowances as laid out in the BTA document.
    Reach out to the Retail Link Help Desk at 479-273-8888 or toll-free 888-499-6377 if you have any questions about your BTA or cannot locate your agreement.
  9. Accept or decline the BTA.
    1. Click Accept to fully accept the agreement. The system sends the agreement back to Walmart, Inc. for approval, and the tile shows AWAITING WALMART status. Suppliers receive a notification upon approval.
    2. Click Decline to reject the agreement.
  10. Repeat steps 1–9 for all remaining BTAs.
    Suppliers receive a notification when Walmart, Inc. approves the associated BTA(s). A green check mark appears on all associated BTAs to indicate completion of BTA tasks and approval by Walmart.

Set Up an Item

Suppliers must have a 9-digit supplier number and all applicable signed BTAs to set up items.
  1. Click Setup an Item. The item setup workflow opens in a separate browser tab. Walmart suppliers perform the needed steps in Supplier One. Find help documentation here (also accessible through "Help > Search articles" in the top navigation menu of Supplier One).
    1. Sam's Club suppliers use IDM, and documentation can be found within the application.
    2. After completing item setup, navigate back to the browser tab for the supplier onboarding dashboard. A green check mark appears on the Setup an Item task to indicate you completed all agreement tasks.
  2. Click Access WedEDI. The WebEDI tool opens in a separate browser tab. Complete the needed WebEDI operations. Find help documentation here. After completing the task, navigate back to the browser tab for the supplier onboarding dashboard. A green check mark appears on the Access WebEDI task to indicate you completed all agreement tasks.
    WebEDI is a free, entirely web-based internal Walmart, Inc. tool that allows medium-to-small suppliers (≤3,500 transactions per day) to replicate the Walmart Purchase Order (PO) for Advance Ship Notification (ASN) as well as invoices.

Return to Dashboard

  1. Make sure all tasks on the Agreements page are complete (they should have green check marks).
  2. Click Back in the page header to return to the supplier onboarding dashboard.
A green check mark on the dashboard indicates you completed all tasks in the associated onboarding tile. The task progress bar increments up to reflect the current status of the supplier onboarding process.

Additional Resources

Once you have started registration, you can log into Supplier Academy to access training materials on merchandising, transportation, getting paid, replenishment, analysis and working together.  

The most direct way to resolve onboarding questions or issues is to contact the Retail Link Help Desk at 479-273-8888 or toll-free 888-499-6377. Refer to Supplier Onboarding: Support (GFR) for information that will help expedite your Help Desk experience. You can also click Help within Supplier One to get assistance from the Supplier One chatbot, manage tickets, and search articles.

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