Password Reset Request - Retail Link

Updated 7 months ago ​by Merch Transformation Change Management

Your Retail Link User ID and password are confidential and MUST NOT BE SHARED WITH ANYONE inside or outside of your company. Failure to abide by this non-sharing policy can result in losing access to Retail Link for both you and your company.

Password Reset Instructions

You will need to log in using Google Chrome

If you are a new user to Retail Link and have received an email with your login information, you will need to wait 15 minutes before copying and pasting the User ID (your email address) and password into the login fields.

Site Administrators and Additional Users: You can use the “Forgot your Password?” link at the login page.

Forgot Password Procedure

Enter your email address as your User ID. Click "Forgot your Password?" and enter your email as your User ID again. The system will send you a passcode that you will need to enter into the pop-up on the screen followed by an updated password. Please follow the password criteria below.

Password Requirements

Password must contain:

  • A minimum of 7 characters
  • At least one each of the following: 
    • English UPPERCASE character
    • English lowercase character
    • Numeric (e.g., 0123) character

Password must NOT contain:

  • Special characters (e.g., !?>#)
  • Three consecutive characters from your User ID, First or Last Name
  • Your company name
  • Consecutive letters from your previous 7 passwords
Password must NOT have been changed within the last 24 hours. 

Be advised: If the password reads acceptable below the box, this does not necessarily mean it has met all the criteria. Please closely follow all listed criteria to ensure it is accepted.

Still Having Issues?

If you are still unable to reset your password, the following steps should be taken. Contact your IT department for assistance with your browser.

  1. Clear your cache, cookies and browsing data. Directions below in Google Chrome:
    1. At the top right corner of your browser window, click on the three vertical dots.
    2. Click Delete Browsing Data.
  2. Please close your browser window and open a new window before trying to login and attempting "Forgot your Password?" again.

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