Item Reuse Logic

Updated 4 months ago ​by Merch Transformation Change Management

If you want to use existing items when completing the item setup spec, please ensure the items in your new setup spreadsheet follow the reuse logic outlined below:

  • Same vendor number 
  • Same pack configuration/pack qty
  • Same GTINs – at all levels (e.g., Each, Case, etc.)
  • The item setup will have to match similar item types:  
    • If the item has a domestic item type of 03, 20, 22, 33, 37 
    • If the item has an import item type of 40, 42, 43  
    • If the item has a DSD item type of 07 (any sub-type except 07) 
    • If the item has a DSV item type & sub-type combination of 07/07
If you are 100% sure of which Walmart Item Numbers (WINs) you want to reuse, then export an Item Configuration & Supply Chain maintenance spreadsheet for the attributes listed above.
If you are unsure of which WINs to reuse, find the sellable GTINs in the Item configurations and hierarchies view of the Catalog and export the results in a read-only basic export. This will give you all the existing pack configurations so you can decide which WIN to use. The basic export will also provide all the attribute information for you to reuse when completing the Item Configuration & Supply Chain maintenance spreadsheet.

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Make sure to select the issue type Items and Inventory.

For detailed instructions, refer to Manage Case Tickets.

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