Set Up Items by Product Type

Updated 3 months ago ​by Merch Transformation Change Management

Setup is not yet supported in Supplier One for: Assortments, Import Shippers (General Merchandise), Pharmacy, and Fees. Please continue using your current processes (e.g., legacy workflows or systems).

We've transitioned the item setup process from Categories to Product Types for Items sold in the continental United States.

Here's what to expect:

Benefits of item setup by Product Type

Setting up new items by Product Type allows you to provide more relevant information for the items up front. This reduces the need to provide additional attributes after item setup is complete and aligns with the content standards in the style guides for Product Types.

Which items should be set up by Product Type?

As of March 2023, we have launched all 479 Product Type Groups.

You'll now set up items by Product Type and also maintain the Product Content & Site Experience attributes by Product Type.

What's changed in the item setup questionnaire?

You should select Product Types in the item setup questionnaire.

Product Type

How many Product Types can I select at a time in the item setup questionnaire?

  • You can select up to 20 Product Types.
    • You will get 1 spreadsheet with one tab named Product Content And Site Exp.

What's changed in the spreadsheets or single item workflows?

  • You'll see a tab named Product Content And Site Exp, which is where you'll provide the item data. When you set up a new item, make sure to select the Spec Product Type (e.g., Bicycle Tires, Tires) for each item from the drop-down list of options. This selection will determine which attributes are conditionally required.
    If you have selected a Spec Product Type and the drop-down menus under the attribute sections aren't working: Consider updating your version of Microsoft Excel to Microsoft Office 365 or later.
  • We've added a Data Definitions tab in the spreadsheets for reference when completing the Product Content And Site Exp tab. Find the attribute name, relevant Product Type, definition, example values, requirement level, maximum and minimum character length, acceptable values, acceptable units, and minimum and recommended number of entries.
  • New attributes have been added in the setup spreadsheets under the Conditionally Required based on Product Type section (these columns have maroon headers).
    • If a cell appears in gray, the attribute is not relevant to the Spec Product Type you selected.
      If you select only one Product Type when completing the item setup questionnaire, your Spec will not include the Conditionally Required based on Product Type section. You'll find the Conditionally Required attributes under the existing green header section for attributes Required for the item to be visible on or the existing orange header section for attributes Recommended to improve search and browse on
  • The minimum data length for Product Name is now 20 characters.
  • The minimum number of Additional Image URLs required is 3 entries, and the recommended number is 5 entries.
  • When selecting a custom set of attributes to create a Product Content & Site Experience maintenance spreadsheet, the last drop-down menu is now named Product Content to improve search & browse on You can select attributes based on Product Type in this menu.

Have the single item setup and maintenance workflows been updated for Product Types?

Yes, the single item workflows for setup and product content maintenance have been updated to include attributes based on Product Type. However, you won't see a section specifically named Conditionally Required based on Product Type like we've added in the setup spreadsheets.

Where do I find item setup in Supplier One?

In the left navigation menu, click Items and Inventory and select Setup Hub.

  • Refer to these instructions for creating and downloading your item setup spreadsheet in Supplier One.
    • If you are a GDSN Supplier, see these instructions. Remember to create and download your item setup spreadsheet after publishing your content to Walmart. Using GDSN is recommended (but not required) to set up items in Supplier One.
    • To set up items for eDelivery (e.g., downloadable video games and e-gift cards), see these instructions to create and download your setup spreadsheet.
    • To set up Direct Import Items and Fashion items that are in “complete” status in Supplier Quote, see these instructions.
      • You should continue using Online Item File to set up and manage Import Assortments and Import Shippers (General Merchandise).
  • If you're setting up a single Drop Ship Vendor (DSV) item or a single Owned or Direct Store Delivery (DSD) item, we recommend doing it directly in Supplier One so the system validations can help you reduce errors.
For all of the item setup workflows listed above, remember that you'll select Product Types in the item setup questionnaire.

Where do I find item maintenance in Supplier One?

In the left navigation menu, click Items and Inventory and select Maintenance Hub.

  • Refer to these instructions for creating and downloading a maintenance spreadsheet for Product Content & Site Experience attributes.
  • If you're updating product content for a single item, we recommend doing it directly in the Supplier One catalog so the system validations can help you reduce errors.

Have Other Questions or Need Help?

If you experience any issues viewing and managing your catalog, please click "Help" in the top navigation menu and select "Manage tickets" to file a case ticket. Or, select "Chat" to get real-time help from our chat bot or click "Search articles" to search Supplier One HelpDocs. 

Make sure to select the issue type Items and Inventory.

For detailed instructions, refer to Manage Case Tickets.

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