Set and Customize Your Catalog View

Updated 3 months ago ​by Merch Transformation Change Management

If you have not saved a default catalog view, the Products view will load automatically when you navigate to the catalog from the left navigation menu in Supplier One. You can save a default view and select the attributes that appear in the item list or grid. Here's how:

Select a View

  1. In the left navigation menu, click Items and Inventory and select Catalog.
  2. Click the tab below Catalog in the page header to select the view that you want to see:
    1. Products: Shows one row or card for every GTIN/UPC.
    2. Item configurations and hierarchies: Shows one row or card for every item configuration, assortment parent, or shipper parent by the Walmart Item Number.

Select List or Grid

Select the list to see your products or item configurations listed in rows.

Select the grid to see one card for each product or item configuration.

Save a Default View

We recommend saving the catalog view that you use most frequently as your default view.

Click the Save as my default catalog view button. If you apply filters before saving your default view, the filters you selected will also be saved (i.e., every time you see your default view, the filters will be applied to the list or grid of items).

If you apply any changes to the default view of your catalog (e.g., switching views or adding filters), you can return to your saved default view by clicking Go to existing default view.
To override your existing default view, click the Save as my default catalog view button to update your settings.

Customize the Data Set

In both the Products and Item configurations and hierarchies views of the catalog, you can customize the item list or grid to show the attributes that matter to you most.

  1. Click the Customize data set button at the top right corner of the page.
  2. Select the custom and/or default attributes (up to 12) that you want to appear in the item list or grid. Then, click the Save button to apply your selections.
    To select attributes for the item list or grid in the Item configurations and hierarchies view of the catalog, click Item Configs (WIN).
  3. Once you close the panel, the item list or grid in your catalog will update to show your selections.

Using the Filter

You can use more robust filters to narrow down the list or grid of items.

  1. Click Filters to open the filter panel.
  2. The filters are organized by groups of attributes: Custom Attributes, Hierarchy & Classification, Product Content, Supply Chain, Cost & Price,, Dates, and Brand.
  3. Click on the filter name (e.g., Product Type) to enter and/or select values. When you've made all of your selections, click the Apply button.
    To remove a selected filter, click the blue "x" next to it. To remove all selected filters, click Clear All at the bottom of the filter panel.
    Filters that appear in gray are not relevant to the Products view of the catalog. For example, Department / Fineline, etc. is only applicable when viewing item configurations, assortments, or shippers.
  4. Once you click outside of the filter panel, you'll see the items that meet all of the criteria you selected. To remove a filter, click the blue "x" next to it. To remove all filters, click Clear all filters at the far right.

You can search for items by more ID Types.

  1. Click the Product ID Search bar.
  2. Copy and paste up to 500 Product IDs in the search bar.
    If you copy and paste Product IDs from a column in a spreadsheet, the system will automatically add commas between the IDs.
  3. If you're searching for multiple items, select the ID Type. All of your Product IDs must be the same type. You do not need to select an ID Type if you’re searching for only one item.
  4. To view all items in a variant group, enter 1 of the Product IDs in the search bar. Then, click the check box next to Show all associated Variants.
  5. Click the Apply button.
For tips on searching for Product IDs that have special characters (e.g., Supplier Stock Numbers with spaces or commas), refer to the instructions in this article.

Have Questions or Need Help?

If you experience any issues viewing and managing your catalog, please click "Help" in the top navigation menu and select "Manage tickets" to file a case ticket. Or, select "Chat" to get real-time help from our chat bot or click "Search articles" to search Supplier One HelpDocs. 

Make sure to select the issue type Items and Inventory.

For detailed instructions, refer to Manage Case Tickets.

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