A variant group consists of similar items (of the same brand and style) that vary on a few attributes, such as Color and Size. Each item in the variant group has its own GTIN. When you create a variant group, you'll select one of those GTINs as the primary variant, which is used to associate all of the items in the group.
In Supplier One, the variant group workflow outlined in this article provides the flexibility to create variant groups directly in the Catalog. Variant groups allow us to optimize site search results and show multiple items on an Item Page so that customers can select the right one to purchase.
You can still create variant groups during item setup using the item setup spreadsheet. If the items you want to group are in the Catalog and none of them are in an existing group, you will need to create your group according to the instructions below.
Select Items for Your New Variant Group
In the Products view of the Catalog, use the Product ID Search bar to find up to 500 items for your new variant group. Remember to select the ID Type. (All of your Product IDs must be the same type.) Then, click the Apply button.
Or, you can use the Filters to narrow down your list of items. A variant group can have a maximum of 1,000 items (see the Add Items section below).
To create a group with all of the items, click Create Variant Group.
Or, you can use the check boxes on the cards to select individual items (in the list or grid view). Then, click Create Variant Group.
Create Your Variant Group
You can provide a Group Title (optional). The group title isn't currently site facing, and the name that displays on the product listing page (PLP) when customers search the site pulls from the primary variant.
If you leave the group title blank, the title in search results will default to the item name of the group's primary item.
Select the Product Type, e.g., Laptop Computers.
Select up to 3 attributes for Product Variations, e.g., Color.
Review the product variation values to make sure there are no duplicates (i.e., each item in the group must have a unique variation value or combination of variation values).
Use the search bar to quickly find an item in the table by GTIN or Item ID (currently, the field supports 1 identifier at a time). You can edit attribute values under columns that do not show the lock icon in the header (e.g., Image, Item name, Color). See the sections below for instructions.
Select the item you want to set as the primary variant in the group. Then, click Set as primary variant.You will see a message that the primary variant has been selected, and a Primary badge will appear next to the item name in the table.
Click Submit to create your variant group.
The system runs validations to check for common errors. If errors are found, click the Items with errors filter to quickly view and fix them before submitting again.
Edit Images
Click the thumbnail under the Image column.
You can import an image from a URL, drag and drop an image file in the designated area, or click Choose file to select a file from your computer. Note that you should upload one file at a time in .jpg or .png format up to 5 MB.
If the item has multiple images, you can reorder the images by clicking the dots to the left of the thumbnail and dragging the image to your preferred order. The image at at the top is always the Main Image, as indicated by the badge.
Click Save to apply your changes.
Edit Item Name
Select the existing value under the Item name column. You can select all or part of the existing item name.
Enter the new item name.
Click anywhere outside the Item name cell to apply your changes.
Edit Swatch
If your variant group varies by Color, you need to provide swatch images.
Click the thumbnail under the Swatch column.
You can import an image from a URL, drag and drop an image file in the designated area, or click Choose file to select a file from your computer. Note that you should upload one file at a time in .jpg or .png format up to 5 MB.
Click Save to apply your changes.
Edit Product Variation Values
Select the existing value under the Product variation column (e.g., Color). You can select all or part of the existing value. If the value has a closed list, click the arrow to open the drop-down menu.
Enter or select the new value.
Click anywhere outside the Product variation cell (e.g., Color) to apply your changes.
Edit Multiple Attributes
You can edit multiple attributes at once to save time if you are applying the same value to all items or multiple items in the group.
Click the check boxes to select all items or multiple items at a time. Then, click Edit multiple attributes.
The attributes that you can edit will be listed on the right side of your window. Click the attribute name to expand the section and provide or select the new value.
Click Apply to save your changes.
Remove Items
If you decide not to include item(s) in your new variant group, you can remove the item(s) before submitting your request.
Click the check box(es) to multiple items or individual items at a time. Then, click Remove.
Click Confirm to apply your action.
Add Items
If you want to add more item(s) to your new variant group, you can add them before submitting your request. Remember that any items you add should already be in the Catalog and not in an existing group.
Click Add Items.
Select the Product ID (GTIN, Item ID, UPC, or EAN). All of your Product IDs must be the same type.
Copy and paste the Identifiers, and click Add items.
Variant submissions can be found on the Maintenance tab in the Submissions Manager. Click All filters and apply the Submission Type filter for Variant.
Not Seeing All Variant Options on Walmart.com?
If your variant group has a lot of items, click the View all link to see all variant options. Five rows are visible at one time by default, and you can scroll up or down to view other rows.
If you experience any issues viewing and managing your catalog, please click "Help" in the top navigation menu and select "Manage tickets" to file a case ticket. Or, select "Chat" to get real-time help from our chat bot or click "Search articles" to search Supplier One HelpDocs.
Make sure to select the issue type Items and Inventory.