Set Up Assortments

Updated 1 year ago ​by Merch Transformation Change Management

Assortment Parent Item setup and linking functionality is not yet supported in Supplier One for suppliers or in iSAM for merchants. 

What Is an Assortment?

An assortment consists of similar or like items that ship together in the same carton (e.g., by the pallet size: full pallet, half pallet, quarter pallet). For example, an assortment may be an entire carton of toy cars in various models and colors that is placed in Walmart stores for customers to shop from. Each assortment parent is identified by a unique GTIN. On-Hands and Sales will be at the parent item GTIN/Walmart Item Number level. Assortments are replenished at the parent GTIN/ Walmart Item Number level.

Each child assortment item has its own GTIN. In addition, the child items must meet ALL of the following criteria:

  • Be created as 1/1 item.
    • To be set up as 1/1, the Sellable GTIN and the Orderable GTIN need to match. The Sellable GTIN and Orderable GTIN should represent the item that will be purchased by Walmart customers at a store.
  • Belong to the same Supplier ID.
  • Reside in the same department.
  • Have the same cost and retail.

The parent assortment item has its own unique GTIN. In addition, the parent item must meet ALL of the following criteria:

  • Be created with the quantity of the sum of child items. For example: If the sum of child items in the assortment is 6, then the parent item should be a 6/6 item.
  • Belong to the same Supplier ID as the child items.
  • Reside in the same department as the child items.
  • Have the same cost and retail as the child items.

How to Set Up Assortments Synced with GDSN

  1. The Supplier publishes the assortment via GDSN.
  2. The Supplier emails the Merchant that the assortment is published.
  3. The Merchant will then email our Complex Item Team to create the assortment using Online Item File Data Sync.

How to Set Up Assortments NOT Synced with GDSN

  1. The Supplier sets up the assortment child items in Supplier One. The Merchant will need to approve the item creation in iSAM.
  2. The Supplier completes Form 33 for the assortment parent item. Then, they'll complete the Assortment tab of the Complex Item Form with the assortment details.
  3. The Supplier emails the Merchant their completed Form 33 and Complex Item Form.
  4. The Merchant will review both of the completed forms.
  5. If the forms are complete and correct, the Merchant will email both forms to our Complex Item Team to create the assortment parent. Then, the Complex Item Team will link the assortment parent and child items in Online Item File (OIF).

Have Questions or Need Help?

If you experience any issues viewing and managing your catalog, please click "Help" in the top navigation menu and select "Manage tickets" to file a case ticket. Or, select "Chat" to get real-time help from our chat bot or click "Search articles" to search Supplier One HelpDocs. 

Make sure to select the issue type Items and Inventory.

For detailed instructions, refer to Manage Case Tickets.

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