Unpublished Products in the Catalog

Updated 1 month ago ​by Merch Transformation Change Management

Products are unpublished for a number of reasons. You can quickly find unpublished products in the Supplier One catalog and learn about actions to take if the issues can be resolved.

Missing Information for Publishing

When you have critical items that are missing imagery and/or a product name, you'll see the Missing information for publishing section on your Home page. Clicking See all will take you to the Products view of the catalog with the Unpublished Reasons filter automatically applied for the Imagery and Product Name attributes. These attributes are required for items to be published on Walmart.com.

You can search for specific Product IDs, use filters to narrow down the list of items shown, and – most importantly – review and edit these items directly in Supplier One.

  • For details about editing Product Name from the Product & Offer Overview, refer to these instructions.
  • For details about uploading image files directly to an item in the catalog, refer to Steps 3–5 in these instructions.

Browse for Unpublished Products in the Catalog

You can also browse for a range of unpublished products in the catalog. For example, find products that are unpublished for reasons other than missing imagery or missing product name.

  1. In the Products view of the catalog, click Filters. Under the Walmart.com group of attributes, click Publish Status and select Unpublished. Then, click the Apply button.
    If you want to narrow down the search further, click Unpublished Reasons and select from the list of options. Refer to the table below for more details.

    Types of Unpublished Reasons

    Specific Unpublished Reasons

    Missing Information


    Product Name

    Internal Data


    Business Policy


    Customer Trust & Safety

    Intellectual Property Violation


    Manually Unpublished

    Walmart.com Retail Team

    Walmart.com Customer Care

    Missing Walmart.com Inventory


    Walmart.com Supply Chain Issues


    Walmart.com Price Too High


    Inactive Product


  2. Click the information icon for details about the specific unpublished reason(s).
    The table below lists the messages you might see.
    For support, please click "Help" in the top navigation menu and select "Manage tickets" to file a case ticket. Or, select "Supplier One Chat" to get real-time help from our chat bot or search Supplier One HelpDocs.

    Specific Unpublished Reasons


    Missing Information > Imagery

    This item is unpublished because it doesn't have a Main Image. You can provide imagery in Supplier One or work with a Connected Content Partner. For more information, contact Partner Support through Supplier Help.

    Missing Information > Product Name

    This item is unpublished because it doesn't have a Product Name. You can provide the Product Name in Supplier One. For more information, contact Partner Support through Supplier Help.

    Missing Information > Internal Data

    • This item is unpublished because it doesn't have an online price. To set the online price, contact Partner Support through Supplier Help.
    • This item is unpublished because it's missing a Tax Code. To get help assigning a tax code, contact Partner Support through Supplier Help.
    • This item is unpublished because the Site Start Date hasn’t occurred. You can change the Site Start Date in Supplier One. For more information, contact Partner Support through Supplier Help.
    • This item is unpublished because the Site End Date has already occurred. You can change the Site End Date in Supplier One. For more information, contact Partner Support through Supplier Help.
    • This item is unpublished because it doesn't have an RHID (the Online business equivalent of a fineline). To get help updating the RHID, contact Partner Support through Supplier Help.
    • This item is unpublished because it doesn't have a Walmart.com category. You can provide a category in Supplier One. For more information, contact Partner Support through Supplier Help.
    • This item belongs to an inactive category on Walmart.com. To update the category, contact Partner Support through Supplier Help.
    • This item is part of an inflexible kit on Walmart.com. Kit components must be published together. For more details, contact Partner Support through Supplier Help.
    • This item is unpublished because it is currently missing package dimensions. You can provide package dimensions in Supplier One. For more information, contact Partner Support through Supplier Help.
    • This item is unpublished because the minimum and maximum amount wasn't set up for this configurable gift card. To set these amounts, contact Partner Support through Supplier Help.
    • This item is unpublished because it is missing internal information required to merchandise the item on Walmart.com.

    Prohibited > Business Policy

    This item is unpublished due to a Walmart policy (Prohibited Item). For more information, contact Partner Support through Supplier Help.

    Prohibited > Compliance

    This item is unpublished because it violates a compliance rule. For more information, contact Partner Support through Supplier Help.

    • Legal or compliance rules include:
      • AML
      • Consumer Protection
      • Drugs
      • Drugs & Medical Devices
      • Food Recall
      • Food Safety
      • Health & Wellness
      • Legal Restricted
      • Made in USA
      • OFAC
      • Product Recall
      • Product Safety

    Prohibited > Customer Trust & Safety

    This item is unpublished because it violates a trust & safety rule. For more information, contact Partner Support through Supplier Help.

    • Trust & safety rules include:
      • Adult Product
      • Adult Content
      • Halloween
      • Offensive

    This item is unpublished because it's violating Walmart's Trust and Safety requirements. For more information, contact Partner Support through Supplier Help.

    Prohibited > Intellectual Property Violation

    This item is unpublished because it violates an intellectual property rule or claim. For more information, contact Partner Support through Supplier Help.

    Prohibited > Other

    This item is unpublished because it is prohibited. For more information, contact Partner Support through Supplier Help.

    Manually Unpublished > Walmart.com Retail Team

    This item was manually unpublished by our Online Retail Team. To republish the item, contact Partner Support through Supplier Help.

    Manually Unpublished > Walmart.com Customer Care

    This item was unpublished by the Walmart.com Customer Care Team. To republish the item, contact Partner Support through Supplier Help.

    Missing Walmart.com Inventory

    This item is unpublished because it doesn't have Online inventory. Since it's a net-new, online 1P Offer, the item won't be visible on the site until it has inventory. If you need help uploading inventory, contact Partner Support through Supplier Help.

    Walmart.com Supply Chain Issues

    • This item is unpublished because it's missing required supply chain info. For more details, contact Partner Support through Supplier Help.
    • This item is unpublished because it doesn't have an active online distribution center. To update the distribution center, contact Partner Support through Supplier Help.
    • This item is unpublished because we can't move it properly through our online supply chain. For more details, contact Partner Support through Supplier Help.
    • This item is unpublished because it's missing information needed to properly move through our online supply chain. To get help, contact Partner Support through Supplier Help.

    Walmart.com Price Too High

    This item is unpublished because the Seller's listing price is too high. Ask the Seller to update the price. If you need help lowering the price yourself, contact Partner Support through Supplier Help.

    Inactive Product

    • This item is unpublished because the Partner Account is inactive. If you believe this is incorrect, contact Partner Support through Supplier Help.
    • This item is unpublished and in Stage status because the Partner hasn't gone live yet. If you believe this is incorrect, contact Partner Support through Supplier Help.
    • This item is unpublished because it was saved as a Draft. If you believe this is incorrect, contact Partner Support through Supplier Help.
    • This item is unpublished because setup isn't complete. If you need help completing setup, contact Partner Support through Supplier Help.

You may also see these messages:

  • This item was marked as Unpublished by a legacy tool. If you think this item should be published, contact Partner Support through Supplier Help.
  • This item is unpublished because the category or item has been unsubscribed from auto-publishing. To publish this item, contact Partner Support through Supplier Help.
  • This item is unpublished because we were unable to automatically assign it to a virtual shelf on Walmart.com. To have the shelf manually assigned, contact Partner Support through Supplier Help.
  • This item is unpublished because the Partner is no longer active and their catalog has been retired. If you believe this is incorrect, contact Partner Support through Supplier Help.
  • This item is unpublished because it's priced much lower on a competitor's site. Once the price is back within an acceptable range, the item will be republished. For more details, contact Partner Support through Supplier Help.
  • This item is unpublished because it has been flagged as unauthorized for sale. If you believe this item should be authorized for sale, contact Partner Support through Supplier Help.

Have Questions or Need Help?

If you experience any issues viewing and managing your catalog, please click "Help" in the top navigation menu and select "Manage tickets" to file a case ticket. Or, select "Chat" to get real-time help from our chat bot or click "Search articles" to search Supplier One HelpDocs. 

Make sure to select the issue type Items and Inventory.

For detailed instructions, refer to Manage Case Tickets.

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