Export and Update DSV Node Cost Attributes in Bulk

Updated 2 weeks ago ​by Merch Transformation Change Management

Maintenance is not yet supported in Supplier One for: Assortments, Import Shippers (General Merchandise), Pharmacy, and Fees. Please continue using your current processes (e.g., legacy workflows or systems).

You may export a spreadsheet in the Supplier One Maintenance Hub to update cost attributes at the distributor level for items sold by drop ship vendors (DSV).

To find the Walmart Item Numbers (WINs) for your items, go to the Item configurations and hierarchies view of your catalog and search for the Product IDs. Then, select Basic Export to download a file with the WINs.

Which Attributes Can You Download in this Export?

DSV Node Cost

These attributes allow you to update costs for DSV items at the distributor level.

Remember to provide each Ship Node ID (one per row) that you want to apply the cost update to in your maintenance spreadsheet. If the cost update applies to all Nodes, enter "National".

DSV Node Cost > Attribute Group

DSV Node Cost > Attribute Names


Required fields:

  • Unit Cost
  • Effective Date
  • Expiration Date


Recommended fields:

  • Supplier Recommended Retail ($/unit)
  • Cost Drivers
    • Cost Driver
    • Cost Driver Percent Change
    • Cost Driver Portion of Item Cost

Export Your Spreadsheet

  1. In the left navigation menu, click Items and Inventory and select Maintenance Hub.
  2. On the Cost tile, click Update cost.
  3. Copy and paste up to 5,000 Walmart Item Numbers in the box. Then, click the Export button.
If you want to update DSV node cost for more than 5,000 Walmart Item Numbers at a time, please request approval from your Walmart Merchant to use the Cost API. Once you have their documented approval (i.e., email), submit a ticket as outlined in this DSV Cost API guide on Developer Portal.

Complete and Submit Your Spreadsheet

  1. Open the spreadsheet and fill in the new values for the DSV node cost attributes. Unit Cost, Effective Date, and Expiration Date are required attributes for all cost submissions. You can find attribute definitions and data requirements in the row beneath the attribute names.
    If the cost update applies to all Nodes for the item, enter "National" in the Node ID column.
    You can copy and paste the Sellable GTIN, Item ID, Walmart Item Number, and Node ID down if you need to add additional nodes for those items.
    If you need to add additional cost drivers, copy Rows 3-down for the existing Cost Drivers attribute columns and paste them into the same rows of the blank columns to the right. Add or change the number in the attribute name so that it is in sequence: Cost Drivers 2. You can repeat this process as needed to include all of the cost drivers.
    By default, your spreadsheet will be named with the date and time it is created. Remember to save your spreadsheet in Excel Workbook, or .xlsx, format when you're done.
  2. To submit your file in Supplier One:
    • Click the Upload button in the top navigation menu.
    • Drag and drop your file into the upload window, or click Choose file to select the files.
      • Upfront validations will check for common errors. If any are found, click the Download error file button to fix the errors before trying your upload again.
      • If no common errors are found, click the Continue button.
    • Provide a submission description.
    • Click Submit.

Track Your Changes

Read Track Your Submissions.

Please allow up to 60 days for your cost update to be approved. If the activity has had the Walmart Action Required status for more than 60 days, file a case ticket and Partner Support will reach out to the merchant on your behalf. 

Have Questions or Need Help?

If you experience any issues viewing and managing your catalog, please click "Help" in the top navigation menu and select "Manage tickets" to file a case ticket. Or, select "Chat" to get real-time help from our chat bot or click "Search articles" to search Supplier One HelpDocs. 

Make sure to select the issue type Items and Inventory.

For detailed instructions, refer to Manage Case Tickets.

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