Import PO Revisions

Updated 1 week ago ​by Merch Transformation Change Management

This functionality is currently available to a select group of import suppliers and is coming soon for all import suppliers.

Four import PO attributes can be revised at the header level in Supplier One. Only POs with the Open status can be updated.




In storage date

The date when an item is expected to be available and stored at a Walmart Fulfillment Center (FC) or warehouse.

If selected, you cannot revise In store date or Supplier ship date (they will be recalculated per the new In storage date you submit).

In store date

The date when an item is expected to be available and displayed for sale in a Walmart store.

If selected, you cannot revise In storage date or Supplier ship date (they will be recalculated per the new In store date you submit).

Supplier ship date

The date when a supplier ships an item to a Walmart distribution center, fulfillment center, or directly to a store.

If selected, you cannot revise In storage date or In store date (they will be recalculated per the new Supplier ship date you submit).

Event code

A specific identifier used to categorize and manage various events within Walmart's operational systems (e.g., promotions, sales, inventory adjustments, system overrides, and other significant activities that impact store operations, inventory management, and sales strategies).

For all other Import PO revisions, please continue using IPOR.
  1. Click Order Management in the left navigation menu to view all of your orders.
  2. If you have both Owned and DSV orders, you will see two tabs. Click the Owned tab to view data for all Owned orders linked to your account.
    If you only have Owned orders, you will not see these tabs. The page automatically defaults to all Owned orders linked to your account.
  3. You can view Owned orders for all 6-digit and 9-digit agreement numbers or select specific numbers from the drop-down menus.
  4. If you are a domestic and direct import supplier, select Import PO from the Order type drop-down menu.
  5. You can click the Search button or More filters to narrow down your list of POs.
  6. Once you have found the POs you want to revise, click the check boxes to select individual POs (up to 25 at a time). Then, click Revise.
    Or, click Select page to select all POs on the page. Then, click Revise.
    Click Clear selected if you no longer want to revise the selected POs.
  7. Click the check boxes to select the attributes you want to revise at the header level. Then, click Next.
    For all other Import PO revisions, please continue using IPOR.
    Selecting certain attributes may disable the ability to revise other attributes at the same time. Refer to the Notes column in the table at the top of this article

Making Revisions Individually

  1. Provide your revisions for each request type (i.e., attribute):
    1. New value: Make sure each is a valid value (e.g., date formatted as MM DD YYYY).
    2. Reason: For all date revisions, select a reason from the drop-down menu. (Reason is not required for event code revisions.)
    3. Add Comment: Provide more details for the Walmart associates who will review and approve your revisions. Remember to click Add to save your comment. You can edit comments before submitting your revisions if needed.
    If you no longer want to revise a PO attribute, click the trash icon to remove it. To clear all new values you entered or selected for an attribute, click the redo icon.

Applying Reasons and Comments in Bulk

  1. Click the check boxes to select the POs to which you want to apply the same reason and/or comment.
  2. Click Choose reason to select a value from the drop-down menu. Then, click Apply and the reason will be applied to the selected POs.
  3. Click Apply comment to provide more details for the Walmart associates who will review and approve your revisions. Remember to click Add to apply your comment to the selected POs.

Submitting Revisions

  1. Click Submit.
  2. Click Confirm to acknowledge your submission.
  3. A message appears that your submission was submitted successfully. It will automatically route to Walmart sourcing and replenishment associates for review and approval.

Tracking Revisions

  1. To track the status of your submission, click View Submissions on the Order Management page in Supplier One.
  2. Use the search bar to find a specific submission by the Submission ID or PO Number.
  3. Click Filters to find a range of submissions by the description, date, and/or status.
  4. Submissions are organized by the Submission ID and include the description, date, number of requests, submitted by, and status. Click the icon under the Actions column to view details.
  5. For pending revisions, click on Pending to see where in the approval workflow the revision is pending.
  6. For validation failed, click on Validation Failed to see more details about the error.




The request ID has been assigned.


Initial validations were successful, and the request is awaiting approval from Walmart sourcing and/or replenishment associates.

Validation Failed

Initial validations failed.


All associates have approved the request, the system validation has been completed, and the PO has been updated.


The request has been rejected by a Walmart associate or during the system's final validation before the PO update could be made.

Validations and Errors

The system runs validations before sending your revisions to Walmart sourcing and replenishment associates for review and approval. Below are common errors that you may encounter:

Attributes the Validation Applies To

Validation Description

Error Messages


If there is already a pending revision for the attribute, either in Nova Cloud or IPOR, the new submission will be rejected.

There is 1 or more current pending revision for the field you are attempting to update [includes details such as where the revision is pending, the PO Number, Attribute, and Request IDs]. Please get the current pending revision rejected or approved before submitting a new one.


PO must be in "Open" Status. The system does not allow PO revisions for Shipped, Receiving, Closed, or Cancelled orders.

PO [#] is in [current] status. Revisions are allowed only on open POs.


  • PO shouldn't have a sailing message.
  • If the POs have started sailing after the revision submission but before approval, revisions will be rejected (like IPOR does today).

PO [#] has sailed. Revisions are not allowed on the PO.

Supplier Ship Date

In Store Date

In Storage Date

  • New date entered should be a future date (i.e., not the current date/today's date.
  • New date should not be beyond 24 months from the revision date. This is to avoid incorrect dates from being keyed in.

The new date provided is not valid.

Supplier Ship Date

Supplier Ship Date can only be revised for Staple Stock POs (i.e., PO Type 40).

Supplier Ship Date can be revised for Staple Stock POs only (PO Type 40). The PO [#] has [current PO Type].

In Store Date

In Store Date can only be revised for Flow POs (i.e., Type 43, 42).

In Store Date can be revised for Flow POs only (Type 43, 42 ). The PO [#] has [current PO Type].

In Storage Date

  • In Storage Date can only be revised if all the following criteria are met:
    • PO Type is 40.
    • Storage facility is not null.
    • In Storage Date is not null.
  • In Storage Date must be later than the Supplier Cancel Date.

In Storage Date can be revised for Type 40 Storage POs with valid storage dates only. The PO [#] has [current PO Type], [current Storage Facility], [current In Storage Date].

Supplier Ship Date

In Store Date

In Storage Date

  • The system will calculate all applicable downstream dates (e.g., Must Arrive At Port, In Store Date) to ensure Transit feasibility. 
  • If the calculation is successful, all applicable downstream dates will be used to update the PO.

Event Code

  • The code provided must include the Walmart week number between 1 and 53.
  • The new value provided for the event code must have 10 characters.
  • The new event code provided is not valid [value provided in submission].
  • The new event code input has less than 10 characters [value provided in submission]. The complete event code has to be provided as input; along with the event week in last 2 characters (if applicable).

Have Questions or Need Help?

If you experience any issues viewing your orders, please click "Help" in the top navigation menu and select "Manage tickets" to file a case ticket. Or, select "Chat" to get real-time help from our chat bot or click "Search articles" to search Supplier One HelpDocs. 

Make sure to select the issue type Orders and Shipping.

For detailed instructions, refer to Manage Case Tickets.

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