Supplier Onboarding: My Team (GFR)

Updated 1 month ago ​by Merch Transformation Change Management

The supplier onboarding process designates the administrator user role to the individual who set up the supplier account.

Access My Team

  1. From the supplier onboarding dashboard within Supplier One, click Start task on the My team tile.
    1. Select Contacts to add contacts or use existing contacts. Refer to the steps below to learn how to add or manage contacts.
    2. (Optional) Select Diversity classification to provide an overview of your company's diversity. Refer to the steps below for details and how to add certificates.
Site administrator users can add, remove, and edit users on their account via user management capabilities in Retail Link. To update the site administrator, contact the Retail Link Help Desk at (479) 273-8888 or toll-free 888-499-6377 to request the Site Admin Change Form. Operating hours are Monday-Friday, 7 AM–5 PM CDT/CST.

Add or Manage Contacts

  1. Click Add Contact to add a new user who is able to access and complete the supplier onboarding process.
    To manage a contact, hover over the row for the role and click the dots. Then, click Edit. The contact information for the administrator user assigned at account setup is view-only until Walmart assigns a supplier number.
  2. The Contact form opens in a pop-up screen.
    1. Select New Contact and provide their role(s), first name, last name, email, if the email is a distribution list, phone number, if the contact is your primary point of contact, country, etc. Click Add Contact when you're done.
      Additional fields may vary based on the role(s) selected.
    2. If you select Use Existing Contact, open the drop-down menu that appears to make a selection. Update their role(s), first name, last name, phone number, if the contact is your primary point of contact, country, etc. Click Add Contact when you're done.
    Make sure the information entered is correct before proceeding. The system does not allow online edits to the email field and distribution list option after adding the contact. Contact the Retail Link Help Desk at (479) 273-8888 or toll-free 888-499-6377 for assistance.
  3. The Contacts list updates to show the newly added/managed contact in the table. The user will receive an email with instructions and next steps. Click Back in the page header if you are done with the Contacts section.

Required Contacts




  • Administrator
  • CEO
  • CFO
  • Accounts Payable
  • Account Representative
  • Customer Service
  • Facilities
  • Supply Chain
  • Orders
  • Operations
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Returns
  • Content Expert
Additional contacts may be required / added later if you have Direct Import, DSV, or Owned agreements.


This section is optional in the supplier onboarding process to identify diversity and inclusion in Walmart suppliers.

  1. Indicate whether your company is 51% or more owned and operated by any of the groups listed. You can select multiple groups. Click Continue.
    If yes, you must provide a minimum of one certification for each group.
  2. The green banner indicates that your diversity information has been updated. If you selected yes in the previous step, click Add Certificate to submit at least one certification for each group.
  3. Select the Certifying Agency, provide the Certificate Number and Expiration Date, and upload the file (maximum 5 MB). Click Save to continue.
  4. The green banner indicates that your diversity certification has been added successfully. If you have additional certification, click Add Certificate and repeat Step 3. Click Back in the page header to return to the supplier onboarding dashboard.
    A green check mark on the dashboard indicates you completed all tasks in the associated onboarding tile. The task progress bar increments up to reflect the current status of the supplier onboarding process.

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Login

Once registration is complete, you'll receive a message with a code to the phone that you registered with during initial login. You'll be required to use this code to log into Retail Link after the authentication is setup.  

Additional Resources

Once you have started registration, you can log into Supplier Academy to access training materials on merchandising, transportation, getting paid, replenishment, analysis and working together.  

The most direct way to resolve onboarding questions or issues is to contact the Retail Link Help Desk at 479-273-8888 or toll-free 888-499-6377. Refer to Supplier Onboarding: Support (GFR) for information that will help expedite your Help Desk experience. You can also click Help within Supplier One to get assistance from the Supplier One chatbot, manage tickets, and search articles.

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