Upload a Video File

Updated 3 weeks ago ​by Merch Transformation Change Management

Maintenance is not yet supported in Supplier One for: Assortments, Import Shippers (General Merchandise), Pharmacy, and Fees. Please continue using your current processes (e.g., legacy workflows or systems).

Easily upload a video file directly into Supplier One—no URLs or template needed. If you want to provide video URLs for multiple items, you can export and complete a maintenance spreadsheet for Rich Media following these Rich Media specifications and specifications for video and image URLs.

Here are a few things you should know before providing your video file:

  • Supplier One allows you to upload one video per item. If you submit more than one video for an item, the most recent submission will override the existing content.
    • Walmart.com item pages support up to eight videos per item. You may provide multiple videos, including an interactive video, through Connected Content Partners.
  • If the video includes speech, closed captions are required for submission. When uploading a video file, you must upload a closed captions file (.vtt or .srt).
  • To delete an existing video (without uploading a new video): Refer to the instructions below.
  • You cannot select or update the video thumbnail that appears on Walmart.com.
  • As a best practice, name the video file uniquely if submitting a change to an existing video. If you do not submit a unique file name, the system may not recognize the new video when comparing the current value to the new value (i.e., the video may not be updated in Walmart's systems).

Video File Requirements

Before you upload a video file in Supplier One, make sure the file meets the requirements below.

Video file format

.mp4 or .mov

Maximum video file size


Video resolution

1920 px x 720 px

Video file name

Cannot include special characters

Common Errors to Avoid

If your video file does not meet the requirements above, you will get an error message upon uploading the video file in Supplier One.

Error Message

How to Fix the Issue

Please make sure your files are in the accepted format.

Upload a video file in .mp4 or .mov format.

Only file uploads are allowed.

Drag and drop the video file directly in the designated area or select a single video file from your computer (i.e., you cannot upload a folder containing multiple video files).

Your video needs to be under 100MB.

If you cannot get the video file within the maximum file size limit, you will need to provide a video URL using the bulk Excel template.

File names cannot include special characters. Rename your file and try again.

Make sure the video file name contains numbers and/or letters only (i.e., no punctuation marks or symbols).

You can only upload 1 per product.

In Supplier One: If you submit more than one video for an item, the most recent submission will override the existing content.

  • Walmart.com item pages support up to eight videos per item. You may provide multiple videos, including an interactive video, through Connected Content Partners.

Upload a Video File in the Maintenance Hub

  1. In the left navigation menu, click Items and Inventory and select Maintenance Hub.
  2. On the Rich Media tile, click Edit rich media.
  3. To upload a video file, select Videos.
  4. To upload a video file for a single item at a time, select Upload video file.
    To upload video URLs for multiple items at a time, see Export and Update Rich Media Attributes in Bulk.
  5. Drag the video file (.mp4, .mov) onto your screen and drop it within the designated area. Or, click Select file to browse your files.
  6. Review your upload.
    1. If it is incorrect, click Replace video to try your upload again.
    2. If it is correct, click Add captions to provide a .vtt or .srt file (this is required). To create a closed captioning file, see these instructions.
    3. Select the language for your closed captioning file.
      If a video file does not meet the requirements (e.g., incorrect file format, file size larger than 100MB, low resolution, file name includes special characters), you will see an error message. Click Add video to try your upload again.
  7. Provide the video details and click the Continue button.
    1. Video title: 200 characters maximum.
    2. Video category: Select an option from the drop-down menu (Case Study/Customer Review, Expert Review, Explainer/How-To Videos, Other, or Product Overview).
    3. GTIN: The 14-digit GTINs (up to 50, separated by commas) of the items you are uploading the video for.
  8. Preview the video. Then, click the Continue button.
  9. Provide a submission description for your video file upload. Then, click the Submit button.

Track Your Video File Upload

Read Track Your Submissions.

Delete an Existing Video

To delete an existing video (without uploading a new one), follow these steps:

  1. In the left navigation menu, click Items and Inventory and select Catalog. In the Products or Item configurations and hierarchies view, click the Product ID search bar.
    Copy and paste the Product IDs in the search bar. Remember to select the ID Type if you’re searching for multiple items (all of your Product IDs must be the same type). You do not need to select an ID Type if you’re searching for only one item. Then, click the Apply button.
  2. In the item list, click the dots under the Actions columns and select Edit Media.
    In the item grid, click the dots at the top right corner of the card and select Edit Media.
  3. Click the check box to select the existing video(s).
  4. Click the Remove button.
  5. When you have no other changes to make, click the Continue button.
  6. Provide a description for your imagery maintenance. Then, click the Submit button.

Have Questions or Need Help?

If you experience any issues viewing and managing your catalog, please click "Help" in the top navigation menu and select "Manage tickets" to file a case ticket. Or, select "Chat" to get real-time help from our chat bot or click "Search articles" to search Supplier One HelpDocs. 

Make sure to select the issue type Items and Inventory.

For detailed instructions, refer to Manage Case Tickets.

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