General FAQs

Updated 1 month ago ​by Merch Transformation Change Management

Below are answers to frequently asked questions about doing business with Walmart.

Check out Supplier One FAQs for more questions and answers specific to Supplier One.

Getting Started

1. I'm a Marketplace Seller. Can I become a DSV as well?

If you meet requirements for both the DSV Program and Marketplace, then you can sell as both a DSV and a Marketplace Seller. However, any items you offer must be sold as either a DSV or a Seller. You can't sell the same item as both a Seller and a DSV.

2. What's the difference between a Drop Ship Vendor (DSV) and a Warehouse Supplier?

A Warehouse (also called Owned) Supplier is a Supplier who ships items to a Walmart warehouse. Walmart houses the inventory and ships it to customers. A Drop Ship Vendor (DSV) is a Supplier who ships the items directly to customers (or stores).

3. How do I apply to become a DSV?

You can apply by going to and clicking on the Apply Now button. Once your supplier information is complete, the buying team will review and reach out if they would like you to become an official DSV.

4. What is a Solution Provider?

A Solution Provider is a third-party company that provides specialized services to help you run your eCommerce business. Working with a Solution Provider can make your business more efficient and optimize your online sales. Read more and view Walmart Approved providers in the article Integrate Using a Solution Provider.

Global Supplier Management

1. How can I view my agreement payment terms and allowances?

Payment terms and allowances for existing agreements can be accessed in GSM via your company information tab. Select the department and sequence of the agreement you would like to view and scroll down to view the payment terms and allowances.

2. How do I respond to a clarification request?

Walmart or Sam’s Club may request clarification if more information or revised information is required to process your application. Please read the email thoroughly and open the Global Supplier Management (GSM) application for details about the specific information requiring correction or clarification. For any questions, please contact the Supplier Administration team by phone at (479) 273-8888 (option 2) or by email at

3. I am using Google Chrome but still can't log in to the Global Supplier Management. What should I do?

Before each use, clear your Browsing Data (cache and cookies) for the Time Range "All time" and ensure your pop-up blocker is turned off.

4. How do I create a site administrator?

On the Supplier Registration page, enter the first name, last name, email address, and phone number of the primary company representative who has the authority to enter into legal agreements with Walmart.

5. I'm getting a "404" error message. What do I do?

Close out of your current browsing session. Re-open Google Chrome and clear your Browsing History (cache and cookies) for the Time Range "All time" and ensure your pop-up blocker is turned off. If you need further assistance, please contact (479) 273-8888 and select option 2 when prompted.

6. How do I contest my agreement terms and/or allowances?

If you feel that the payment terms, allowances, or return terms are incorrect, please contact your buyer directly with your questions and concerns. Only the buyer has the authorization to approve a request to change terms.

7. How do I upload my proof of insurance certificate?

Select the "Add Insurance Certificate" icon located under the insurance portion on your company profile.

8. I applied to sell products in a different category. How can I view my agreement or invitation status?

To view your agreement status, visit your supplier profile and select the specific agreement in question. Once you select an agreement, its status is located near the top left corner. For an invitation status, please monitor your GSM inbox for updates.

9. How do I add or update site administrators in GSM?

In GSM, select the "Customer Information" tab and scroll to the "Users" section or use the left navigation to select "Users and Contacts". Add your new administrator, then click the green Submit Changes icon.

All new users in the Supplier Management system must download and submit a new user form to verify their employment status. If you need to make changes to an existing user, please contact Retail Link at 479-273-8888.

10. I'm a Walmart Canada supplier. Where can I go for help with OSA?

The Online Supplier Agreement (OSA) is no longer available. All data and agreements have been transferred to Global Supplier Management (GSM).

11. What is a bank factor and what information must we provide in GSM?

Select "yes" if your company is being financed by a third-party financial partner or has a factoring relationship with any financial entity.

You must provide a letter from both your company and the factoring company.

12. How do I enter or update my banking information?

In the Company Information tab of your profile, navigate to the banking information section and enter your account number, routing number, bank account type, and the name of your primary account holder.

Walmart is not responsible for incorrect bank details. You must verify that your bank information is correct when you enter it into the system.

13. I am a Walmart Canada supplier. Where can I get help accessing my account information?

Please reach out to the Master Data Management team for assistance by dialing (479) 273-8888 and pressing the number 2 when prompted.

14. Where can I obtain a Dun and Bradstreet Number (DUNS)?

You can get a DUNS Number (also known as a D&B number) free of charge by contacting D&B at 1-866-815-2749 (within North America).

15. How do I upload my W9?

Obtain the latest version of your W9 (currently the 2014 version) from Navigate to your supplier profile in Global Supplier Management and navigate to "Tax IDs", select "Add Tax Detail", then click "Submit Changes". Note: your profile will be locked until your W9 is verified.

16. How do I renew my DUNS number?

Walmart will review and renew your DUNS number for you annually.

17. Where can I view my Returns Terms?

Return Terms for existing agreements can be accessed through your company information tab. Select the department and sequence of the agreement you would like to verify and scroll down to view payment terms.

18. My company has merged with another. How do I complete a GSM update?

If your company is bought out or merges with another company, contact the Buyout and Merger Team via email They will update your information in the Walmart system.

19. What are my minimum insurance requirements?

For details on insurance requirements for Walmart suppliers, go to and select the Minimum Requirements tile. On the Minimum Requirements page, click the Insurance tab. In the box labeled Related Links, click Insurance Requirements for Suppliers. You will then be directed to a file explaining the insurance requirements for each Product Category.

20. How do I access GSM?

Log in to Retail Link and select Apps, then select Global Supplier Management (GSM).

21. What browsers can I use to access GSM?

You can access Global Supplier Management (GSM) using the following browsers:

  • Google Chrome (Preferred)
  • Apple Safari
  • Internet Explorer (version 11)
  • Microsoft Edge

Item Setup and Management

1. What if my item doesn't have a Product ID?

Walmart requires that all items sold on have Product IDs. If the item is something you have manufactured or produced, you can purchase a Product ID.

2. How do I select the Primary Variant for a group?

The Primary Variant's image will appear when customers search on, and it will be the first variant displayed when customers navigate to the item page. Suppliers can designate one Primary Variant per variant group by selecting 'Yes' under the 'Is Primary Variant' Column in their setup spreadsheet from Supplier One. For all other items in that variant group, leave that column blank or select 'No'. (If you use the variant creation workflow in the Catalog, select one item to set as the Primary Variant.)

Often, suppliers will select their best-selling in-stock item as the Primary Variant. If your item is in a merged variant group with another supplier's items, your Primary Variant may not appear as the primary.

As a recommended best practice, do not change the primary variant unless the current primary item is discontinued or unpublished. Only merchants have the ability to set a new primary variant after a group has been created.

3. Why is the item content and imagery in my Supplier One account different than the information displayed on for my item?

When an item is listed by multiple suppliers, we algorithmically select which vendor's content will appear on the site. If you are not the Content Owner, you will not be able to make updates to the item. If the information being displayed on is incorrect, create a case with Partner Support and request an update. If you are the manufacturer of the item and not the Content Owner, please work with your Category Specialist (buyer) to discuss the possibility of having the Content Ownership changed. For more information on content ownership, see Why Doesn't My Content Appear on

4. How do I update an item's Cost or Price?

Once an item has been created in Supplier One, suppliers should submit cost updates using the maintenance workflow. Please work with your Category Specialist with questions regarding pricing issues.

5. How do I add a new item to my existing group?

DSV and Owned suppliers can edit variant groups in Supplier One – if you supply all the items in the group to Walmart.

If the group has items that you do not supply to Walmart, please work with your Merchant or submit a ticket in Supplier One. Provide the GTINs that currently exist in the variant group and the GTIN that you want to add to that group. If your group is set up with 'color' as your variant grouping attribute, please provide a swatch image as well. If no image is provided, the new variant item will not have a swatch image.

6. How should a Product ID be formatted?

All Product IDs – except for Supplier Stock Numbers and SKUs – should be numbers only.

  • Supplier Stock Numbers can include numbers, letters, hyphens, decimals, spaces, commas, or slashes.
  • SKUs can include numbers, letters, or hyphens.

The cells in your spreadsheets should be formatted as text.

Refer to Product Identifiers in the Catalog for more information.

7. How do you determine the ranking of variant attributes and how they show up on the Item Page?

Every product type has a ranked list of variant attributes that define how the attributes show up on the Item Page. For example, clothing items will always have size followed by color on the Item Page.

8. What Product ID do I use for a Vendor Pack or Warehouse Pack?

Vendor Packs (i.e., Cases, Supplier Packs) and Warehouse Packs (i.e., Inner Packs) should have their own unique GTINs. Do not use the GTIN of the individual items in the Vendor Pack or Warehouse Pack; you will need to provide GTINs that apply specifically to the Vendor Pack and Warehouse Pack.

If the Vendor Pack doesn't have a Warehouse pack, you should not provide an Inner Pack GTIN.

For more details, please refer to Understanding Trade Item Configurations and Dimensions.

9. I don’t have all the information WERCS is asking for. Where can I find this data?

Check with your research and development and/or logistics/transportation departments. Also, a majority of the information will be available via the SDS.

Order Processing and Shipping

1. Can I modify the tracking number of an order after it has been shipped?

Suppliers cannot edit the carrier (method or tracking number) for a PO once the order status is marked as shipped in Supplier One.

2. How do I get a longer shipping time frame?

DSV suppliers are required to ship their POs the same day they receive them as long as they're uploaded before their Facility Cutoff time. If a PO comes in after the cutoff time, it will have an Estimated Ship Date (ESD) of the next business day. Additional lag time (also called lead time) is only allowed for custom made or freight size items. If you would like to request additional lag time for an item that meets these requirements, please create a case in Supplier One and include a list of GTINs as well as the requested lag times. For additional details about lead time, please refer to Fulfillment Lag Time.

3. I accidentally marked an order as shipped. What do I do?

Once an order has been marked as shipped, the customer is charged for their order and no further edits or actions can be made to the PO. It is imperative that suppliers verify their inventory and shipping information before submitting shipping information.

If you accidentally mark an order as shipped and you cannot fulfill the order (e.g., you are out of stock), please open a case with Partner Support and they will have Customer Care refund the customer.

4. How does the customer receive a shipped order's tracking details?

Walmart emails the tracking details to the customer after the supplier marks their PO as shipped and provides the valid tracking information.

5. Do I pay for shipping for DSV orders?

Walmart pays for shipping on DSV orders to the customer or Walmart store (S2S). With the exception of USPS, DSVs use the account numbers as the shipper of record with 3rd party billing to Walmart’s account numbers.

For more information and to locate the billing account numbers, please refer to Navigating to DSV Carrier Account Details.

6. Can I be notified when a new DSV order is created?

Supplier One does not currently send notification emails when a new order is routed to their Supplier One account. DSV suppliers are expected to monitor their account on a daily basis to determine whether they have new orders. We suggest checking Supplier One (at minimum) when your Distribution Facility opens for the day and at your Cutoff Time to make sure all same-day orders are processed. Orders should be acknowledged within 4 hours of the order being routed to your account. Failure to do so will result in chargebacks due to late fulfillment.

7. I received an order with incorrect item details, what do I do?

If you receive a PO with incorrect product information (e.g., the SKU is wrong or there is a cost/price discrepancy), you should not ship the order. Place the PO in 'Unrecognized' status and verify whether the item information is incorrect in Supplier One. You will need to reach out to your Category Specialist (buyer) if the cost or price is incorrect in the system. Once the information is corrected (or if the details are correct in your Supplier One account), please create a case with Partner Support and they can reschedule the PO with the updated details.

8. How are carrier claims handled when merchandise is lost or damaged in transit?

DSV Carrier Claims notifications are sent directly to the DSV as well as a summary notification at the end of each month. The DSV, as Shipper of Record with carrier, will then submit a claim to the carrier. Once the claim is processed, the carrier will either approve or decline the claim.

Contact and Support Info

1. How do I contact Retail Link?

If you have issues with your Retail Link account access, you can reach the Retail Link Help Desk by phone at 479-273-8888 (toll-free 888-499-6377). Or, open a case with Partner Support by selecting Retail Link and then the category that best describes your issue. 

Wait times may vary for the Retail Link phone number based on the time of year and holiday volume.

Troubleshooting and Common Issues

1. Why is my item 'Unpublished'?

There are a variety of reasons why an item is 'unpublished' in Supplier One. Suppliers can verify the unpublished reason by clicking the information icon next to the 'Unpublished' status. If your item is unpublished due to missing information, you can update a single item at a time in Supplier One and add the missing information.

If you are not able to add the information in Supplier One, you will need to reach out to your buyer (category specialist).

If you are unable to determine the reason for the unpublished status, please create a case for Partner Support.

2. How do I find my Category Specialist?

Category Specialists, also known as Buyers, are individuals that help our suppliers manage their account contracts. This includes, but is not limited to, issues relating to cost, price, distribution facility activation, new contract (department) creation, and item retirement. A single supplier may have multiple Category Specialists depending on the variety of their items. If you're unsure of who your Category Specialist is, please create a ticket with Partner Support and include the product ID and they will provide the buyer contact information.

3. What is the difference between an item cost and the item price?

  • Cost is what Walmart pays the supplier for their item. This is typically negotiated between the supplier and their Category Specialist (Buyer) before the items are uploaded.
  • Price (Retail) is what the customer pays Walmart for the item. In most cases, retail is originally set by the buyer but is subject to change due to pricing algorithms determined by the Pricing team.
  • If you have any questions or concerns regarding the cost or price of an item, please work with your Category Specialist.

4. I received an order for an out of stock item. What should I do?

If you receive an order for an item that is out of stock in your facility but still has stock listed in Supplier One, you need to download a DSV Inventory maintenance spreadsheet, set your inventory to '0', upload the completed spreadsheet, and place the order in 'Backorder' status.

Once a PO is placed in backorder status, consider the PO terminated. After you receive more inventory, do not ship on the PO you set to backorder. Instead, upload a new DSV Inventory maintenance spreadsheet to inform us that your item is back in stock. Our system will automatically retransmit a new PO for you to fulfill the order if you are the only source for the item.

Agreements, Policies, and Standards

1. What is the inquiry process for chargebacks?

There are two ways to create a ticket with the Walmart Global Business Services (GBS) Contact Center. To submit a ticket regarding the below issues, please utilize the online portal ( and use the drop-down to select your Reason for Contact.

• Invoice Status

• Backup Request

• General Inquiries

• Code 94

• Pay from Receipt Disputes

• Supplier Quality Excellence Program

• SQEP Back Up


When utilizing the online portal, please include all relevant information (ex: invoice numbers, claim numbers, check numbers). Providing the team with comprehensive information relating to the issue allows them to research your issue and provide a quick resolution.

If your issue is not listed in the GBS Reason for Contact drop-down, please reach out to the Contact Center at 479-273-8888 or toll-free 888-499-6377 for support.

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